0.1.3 • Published 8 years ago

ioserv v0.1.3

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8 years ago


A framework to make IRC network services.



Starts the bot with config.txt, or if no config.txt found it uses config parameter.

Config options:

server String: What server to connect

modules Array: What modules to load (you can load/unload modules later with bot.load and bot.unloadm)

port Number: What port will bot connect to server

sid Number: Server ID that will be used, make sure you don't use the same for other server.

passwd String: Password to use for authentication

desc String: Description used by server while connecting

sname String: Name your server will have, make sure you don't use it for other server or one of the servers won't connect

permissions Object: {host: permissions} host is the user's hostname (a string), and permissions is a number.

bname String: The nick that services bot will use

bhost String: Fake host that bot will use when it's presented to network

bot.say(msg, target)

Sends a message to a user or channel.

msg String: message being sent to target

target String: channel or user the message is being sent to

bot.kill(target, reason)

Kills a user from the network.

target String: user that is being killed from the network

reason String: Reason for the kill

bot.chghost(target, host)

Changes an user's shown hostname (real one only seen to opers that use WHOIS).

target String: nick of users

host String: new host for the user

bot.jupe(target, reason)

SQUITs and JUPEs a server, avoiding it from connecting

target String: target server

reason String: reason used for SQUIT, also new server's description.

bot.samode(target, modes)

Forcibly changes a channel modes. Useful for getting op in channels.

target String: channel being affected

modes String: modes being changed

bot.addline(target, reason, time, type)

Adds a line to a target, it can be GLine (G), IP Ban (Z), Nick ban (Q) or Spamfilter (F)

target String: ident@host being targeted

reason String: Reason for the line

time Number: How many secconds the line lasts (If time is 1 or undefined, ban wil last until it's removed)

type String: Line type, defaults to GLine

bot.delline(target, type):

Removes a line from the target.

target String: ident@host that has the line

type String: line type being removed


Saves variable config to config.txt

bot.rsocket(port, passwd)

Starts RCON server. Gives level 101 to clients.

port Number: Port that RCON will listen on

passwd String: RCON password


Contains a object will all nicks on the network.


Gets host's permissions level.

host String: Host to query for


Loads a module

module String: Module to be loaded


Executes a command

parsed Object: Output of bot.parseLine(data)


Parses a line from the uplink.

line String: Raw line from server


Contains socket used for connection, uses "socket" default module.


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago