0.0.1 • Published 4 years ago

iosio v0.0.1

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Last release
4 years ago

This project was generated with @iosio/create-x-project (version: 0.5.86)


Zero configuration cli for generating, developing and bundling modern web apps and libraries

Currently supports building @iosio/x, @iosio/x-preact, and preact apps with jsx transpiling. Includes conditional polyfill loading and optional multi build for legacy browsers using System es module shims.

Other features:

  • jcss - minifies and autoprefixes css template tag literals.
  • opt-in autogeneration of dynamic imports for lazyLoading pages
  • file/image asset bundling
  • post css loader
  • live reloading dev server


mkdir my_app
cd my_app
npx @iosio/create-x-project


npm install -g @iosio/create-x-project
mkdir my_app
cd my_app

follow the prompts then run npm/yarn install.


(x is just an alias to create-x-project command)

x start

starts the dev server at port:3000 and watches for file changes: src > build.

x build

creates a production build for a web application: src > build.

x build_lib

creates a production library as a npm installable es module: src > lib.

x serve_build

serves up the build

Configuration (optional)

Define optional configuration JSON object in package.json as xProjectConfig, or as a separate file at the root of the project directory called xProjectConfig.json

  "name": "my_app",

You may instead export default a configuration object from xProjectConfig.js at the root of the project directory

// xProjectConfig.js
export default {

Configuration Properties

export default {
    //js entry point
    input: /*default*/ '/src/index.js',
    //optional alternative entry point for build_lib. falls back to input 
    lib_input: /*default*/ '/src/index.js',
    //alternative entry point for developing demos alongside a lib
    devInput: /*default*/ '/src/index.js', //ex: '/demo/index.js',
    //location of index.html file. entry (input) script is automatically inserted at build time
    html: /*default*/ '/src/index.html',
    //location where the dev build is placed and served from
    devOutputDir: /*default*/ '/build',
    //location where the production build is placed (removes and replaces dev output)
    buildOutputDir: /*default*/ '/build',
    //location where the library build is placed
    libOutputDir: /*default*/ '/lib',
    browsers: /*default*/ ['chrome 78'],
    //browserlist specific to css auto prefixer in case it differs from js
    cssBrowsers: /*default*/['chrome 78'],
    //if true, creates an additional legacy build that is conditionally loaded for older browsers  
    multiBuild: /*default*/ undefined,
    //if true, will include external dependencies into the library build
    includeExternalDeps: /*default*/ undefined,
    //alias imported dependencies
    alias: /*default*/ undefined, //ex: 'React=preact,someModule=../../someModule',
    //enable absolute path imports. 
    // Example: instead of:
    //      import '../../someDep'
    // you may use:
    //      import '/someDep'
    // if '/someDep' is located at the baseUrl 
    enableExperimentalAbsolutePathPlugin: /*default*/ undefined, //ex: true
    baseUrl: /*default*/ undefined, // ex: 'src'

    //bundles commonJS packages as es modules: see "rollup-plugin-commonjs" for more info
    commonjsConfig: /*default*/ {"include": /node_modules/},
    //live reloading dev server. see https://browsersync.io/docs/options for more info.
    // assigning a new config object to this prop will override what is shown below
    browserSyncConfig: /*default*/ {
       server: {
           baseDir: devOutputDir,
           middleware: [historyApiFallback()]
       ui: false
   //convert default exports into lazy loaded pages for router (see lazyPages section below)
   lazyPagesConfig: /*default*/{
       //the directory where the page files live
       dir: /*default*/ '/src/lazyPages',
       // pass 'preact' to export a factory function for injecting a lazyLoader
       //keep undefined to use default behavior intended for custom-elements-router
       type: /*default*/ undefined
    //environment variables. see next section for explanation 
    APP_ENV: /*default*/ undefined

Environment Variables

Define environment variables in the config object under APP_ENV as an object where the key represents the environment you are serving/building.

// example:
    APP_ENV: {
        dev: {
            API_URL: 'http://app.dev.com/api',
            SOME_OTHER_ENDPOINT: 'https://someotherendpoint.com'
            API_URL: 'http://app.prod.com/api',
            SOME_OTHER_ENDPOINT: 'https://someotherendpoint.com'

To apply the env variables, add the env name to the second argument on the x cli command:

x build prod

you may now access the env vars in your js files:

fetch(process.env.API_URL + '/get-stuff');
//build prod logs: 'http://app.prod.com/api/get-stuff'


minify and auto prefix tagged template literals as so

//no import required, just use the keyword "jcss" and the bundler will 
// remove it and process the css. 
const minified_and_autoprefixed_css_string = jcss`
        user-select: none;

//You may configure the target browsers on the browsers property of the config object.
//Depending on the target, the output might look something like this:
const minified_and_autoprefixed_css_string = `.noSelect{-webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none;user-select:none}`;

Lazy Pages

(Opt-in) To dynamically generate lazyMap and pathMap objects, create a lazyPages directory under your src: src/lazyPages/. (see config section above for more info)

  |_ lazyPages
            |_ index-page.js
            |_ login-page.js 

in each file, default export a custom element defined as the name of the file, or default export a preact component

import {x,h} from '@iosio/x';
export default x('index-page', ()=> <h1>index page</h1>);
//or if 'preact' is passed to configuration
import {h} from 'preact';
export default () => <h1>index page</h1>;

start the app and you should now see a file called dynamicImports.js.

note: restart the dev server when new pages are added

  |_ lazyPages
            |_ dynamicImports.js
            |_ index-page.js
            |_ login-page.js 

exported from dynamicImports.js are configuration objects used for routing.

export const lazyMap = {
    "index-page": () => import("./index-page.js"),
    "login-page": ()=> import("./login-page.js")

//index-page will default to "/"
//and -page is removed from all url paths 
export const pathMap = {
	"/": "index-page",
	"/login": "login-page"

// or if preact is passed to the configuration
export const pathMapFn = (lazyLoader) => ({
    "/login": lazyLoader(() => import("./login-page.js")),
    "/": lazyLoader(() => import("./index-page.js")),
//then import and inject the lazy loder fn and pass the the @iosio/preact-router

const pathMap = pathMapFn(lazyLoader);


<Router pathMap={pathMap}/>