2.0.0-alpha.0 • Published 5 months ago

ire-forms v2.0.0-alpha.0

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5 months ago


Lit Element Forms with Bootstrap Styles

Enhance your web applications with ire-forms, a robust library that integrates Lit Element forms with Bootstrap CSS styles. Designed to be editor-friendly and compatible across various frameworks like React, Angular, Vue, and more, ire-forms offers a seamless experience for developers.


Fast, Delightful Typing Experience

Embrace a refined coding experience. Leveraging TypeScript's powerful typing features, this library seamlessly integrates with editor's intelligent code suggestions and auto-completion.


To create a form controller, utilize the FormBuilder as follows:

import { FormBuilder } from "ire-forms"

const form = FormBuilder.build({
  fields: {
    firstName: FormBuilder.text({
      label: "First Name",
      placeholder: "Enter your first name",
    birthDate: FormBuilder.text({
      label: "Birth Date",
      inputType: "date",
      max: "2024-01-01",
    resume: FormBuilder.file({
      label: "Resume",
      accept: ".pdf,.doc,.docx",

Next, use it to render an ire-form element in your component, such as in ExampleForm.vue:

  <ire-form :controller="form" />

Remember that ire-form is a Web Component, so ensure you import "ire-forms" in the same component or file where you intend to use it.

Accessing the values can be done as follows:

form.value.firstName // string
form.fields.firstName.value // string

You can also modify the state in the following manner:

  value: "Daniel",
  placeholder: "Your name",

// Or accessing to the proxies
form.fields.firstName.value = "Daniel"
form.fields.firstName.uiState.placeholder = "Your name"


You have the option to subscribe to value and rendering changes:

import { FormBuilder } from "ire-forms"

const form = FormBuilder.build({
  fields: {
    firstName: FormBuilder.text({
      onValueStateChange: ({ value, validationResult }) => {
        console.log(value) // string
        console.log(validationResult.errorMessage) // string | null
      onUiStateChange: ({ htmlElement }) => {
        console.log(htmlElement) // IreTextElement
        htmlElement?.addEventListener('click', () => {

Alternatively, you can subscribe in the following manner:

  ({ value, validationResult }) => {
    console.log(value) // string
    console.log(validationResult.errorMessage) // string | null

form.fields.firstName.uiStateChanges.subscribe(({ htmlElement }) => {
  console.log(htmlElement) // IreTextElement
  htmlElement?.addEventListener("click", () => {


Ensure field validity and create custom validators

import { FormBuilder } from 'ire-forms'

const form = FormBuilder.build({
  fields: {
    age: FormBuilder.text({
      validators: [
        (value) => {
          if (Number.parseInt(value) === 20) {
            return 'Age cannot be 20'

const submit = () => {
  if (!form.isValid) {
    alert('Form is not valid')

  console.log(form.value) // { age: string }


The table below provides an overview of the primary properties for the available fields:

FieldFormBuilder functionValue typeHTML referent
TextFieldDefinitiontextstring<input type="text">
NativeSelectFieldDefinition<T>nativeSelectT \| null<select>
RadiosFieldDefinition<T>radiosT \| null<input type="radio">
ChipsFieldDefinition<T>chipsT[]Custom <select>
CheckboxesFieldDefinition<T>checkboxesT[]<input type="checkbox">
FileFieldDefinitionfileFile[]<input type="file">


The TextField is responsible for controlling the <input> element.

import { FormBuilder } from "ire-forms"

const form = FormBuilder.build({
  fields: {
    age: FormBuilder.text({
      label: "Age",
      inputType: "number",
      min: "18",
      max: "120",
      step: "1",

// Change state
form.fields.age.value = "21"
form.fields.age.uiState.placeholder = "Enter your age"
  value: "22",
  placeholder: "Enter your age",

Select and Radios

NativeSelectField manages the <select> element, and RadiosField handles <input type="radio"> elements. They are both designed for single select fields.

import { FormBuilder } from "ire-forms"

const form = FormBuilder.build({
  fields: {
    fruit: FormBuilder.nativeSelect({
      label: "Fruits",
      options: [
        { value: "apple", label: "Apple 🍎" },
        { value: "banana", label: "Banana 🍌" },
        { value: "orange", label: "Orange 🍊" },

// Change value
form.fields.fruit.value = "banana" // 🍌
form.fields.fruit.valueState.index = 2 // 🍊

// Add a new option
  options: [
    { value: "watermelon", label: "Watermelon 🍉" },

Chips and Checkboxes

ChipsField is a custom controller for <select> elements, and CheckboxesField manages <input type="checkbox"> elements. Both are designed for multi-select fields.

You can choose from a variety of icons thanks to last-icon.

import { FormBuilder, Icon, html } from "ire-forms"

const form = FormBuilder.build({
  fields: {
    fruit: FormBuilder.chips({
      label: "Fruits",
      options: [
        { value: "apple", label: "Apple 🍎" },
        { value: "banana", label: "Banana 🍌" },
        { value: "orange", label: "Orange 🍊" },
      removeIcon: Icon.bootstrap("x-circle-fill"),
    animal: FormBuilder.checkboxes({
      label: "Animals",
      options: [
        { value: 1, label: "Cat 🐈" },
        { value: 2, label: "Dog 🐕" },
        { value: 3, label: "Mouse 🐁" },
      optionHtmlTemplateBuilder: (option, index) => {
        // Use Lit Element html template
        return html`<span>${index + 1} ${option.label}</span>`

// Change value
form.fields.fruit.value = ["banana"] // [🍌]

// Add a new option
  options: [
    { value: 4, label: "Fish 🐟" },


FileField manages the <input type="file"> element.

import { FormBuilder } from "ire-forms"

const form = FormBuilder.build({
  fields: {
    fruit: FormBuilder.file({
      label: "Fruits",
      buttonText: "Select a file",
      multiple: true, // false by default
      accept: "image/*",

// Change value
form.fields.fruit.value = [someFile] // File[] even if not multiple

// Change UI
form.fields.fruit.uiState.placeholder = "Choose a fruit"


You can organize your fields into groups using FormBuilder.fieldset. When it comes to achieving responsiveness, the go-to choice is FormUILayouts.autoGrid.

So, for styles like these:

.auto-grid {
  --auto-grid-min-size: 10rem;
  display: grid;
  gap: 1rem;
  grid-template-columns: repeat(
    minmax(min(100%, var(--auto-grid-min-size)), 1fr)
  grid-auto-flow: dense;

You can easily apply them like this:

import { FormBuilder, FormUILayouts } from "ire-forms"

const form = FormBuilder.build({
  fields: {
    personalInfo: FormBuilder.fieldset({
      uiConfig: {
        layout: FormUILayouts.autoGrid, // 10rem
      fields: {
        firstName: FormBuilder.text({
          label: "First Name",
        lastName: FormBuilder.text({
          label: "Last Name",
    skills: FormBuilder.fieldset({
      uiConfig: {
        layout: FormUILayouts.autoGridRem(22), // 22rem
      fields: {
        languages: FormBuilder.chips({
          label: "Languages",
          options: [
            { value: "en", label: "English" },
            { value: "es", label: "Spanish" },
            { value: "fr", label: "French" },
        frameworks: FormBuilder.checkboxes({
          label: "Frameworks",
          options: [
            { value: "react", label: "React" },
            { value: "angular", label: "Angular" },
            { value: "vue", label: "Vue" },

Now you can keep your form layouts responsive without breaking a sweat! 😎


5 months ago


1 year ago


2 years ago


2 years ago