0.1.0 • Published 6 years ago

irio v0.1.0

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Last release
6 years ago


irio is a full-stack universal framework for creating fast ultra-modern website and web applications while enjoying great developer experience and saving precious time.

The progressive web app qualities are achieved due to the use of the service-worker.

What Is Irio

irio is a Node.js framework software that allows to build both back-end and front-end applications at the same time with the help of JSX syntax. One does not need to have to know a lot about the React product to write such syntax, which makes it possible for the small team of developers or a single developer to tackle the problem of creating a modern websites. Moreover, the website being developed automatically becomes a progressive web app, which gives the opportunity to reach a more wide group of users, and provide them with the wonderful experience brought by the closer integration with the native OS (such as an iPhone or Android device),

By reusing React components on both server-side code and bundled browser code, loading of applications becomes very fast. This fact plays an important role when it comes to Search Engine Optimisation.

Why Use Irio

Coupled with the principle of splitting each page into a separate folder and automatically initialising as pages on the website, irio achieves the aim of making a new universal website in seconds. The bundles are generated with browserify and dead-code elimination can take place. By contrast to Webpack, one does not have to be tied to the building paradigm, as browserify presents as more flexible software. Hacking browserify pipeline produces more fun than playing with corporate webpack.


The server is configured via the main app.js file, where a new instance of irio is created. The configuration is passed the the first argument, however is not necessary, since irio will work with default settings, but more extended methods can be specified, such as caching.

import idio from 'idio'

const { url, app, methods, router } = await irio({



irio expects the structure to be normalised so that it can easily initiate it and start the website. It assumes that the website is centred around the GET pages, so that every route is put into the pages folder. The POST request are handled with forms subdirectory in route.

All JavaScript files found in the scripts directory will be embedded into the page and served as static files. The scripts are compiled with babel so the newest language features are available to the programmer, including async/await, import Component from '../Component' and JSX <Component data={...data}><Component>.

The styles should be put in the styles directory and also served as static files and embedded into the page using the <link> tag.

When a user makes a request to a given route, the server executes the index.jsx script which should require the Page.jsx found in components. The react internal representation will be built according to this logic (this means that the hydration will be executed against the Page.jsx component in the main div of the website). Because the rendering of the page is done on the server, the website is served extremely fast, and once the React bundle is loaded, the client will perform only local navigation, that is render pages client-side without querying the server. The dynamic data is then fetched via an AJAX API interface of the app. Because the user might not interact with the website for the first 10 seconds, during that time the browser bundle is loaded and evaluated, so that the next page can be available in no time.

├── index.js
├── dev.js
├── package.json
├── pages
│   ├── index
|   │   ├── images
|   │   │   └── world.jpg
|   │   ├── scripts
|   │   │   ├── index.js
|   │   │   └── service-worker.js
|   │   ├── styles
|   │   │   └── index.css
|   │   ├── Components
|   │   │   └── Page.jsx
|   │   └── index.jsx
├── | editorial
|   │   ├── scripts
|   │   ├── styles
|   │   ├── Components
|   │   └── index.js
│   └── special
|       ├── scripts
|       ├── styles
|       ├── Components
|       └── index.js
├── scripts
│   └── jquery.js
├── static
└── upload

Starting Server

The yarn start or yarn dev commands can be run to start the server. The first one will attempt to build the website and serve the built version (as used in the Docker container), whereas the dev command will run a local version tailed for the developer experience.

Deployment In Cloud

An easy and solid deployment process is achieved with the Docker image. Based on the Node-alpine docker image with yarn support, the website can be deployed to a Linux container.

Deployment to demimonde.cc

Demimonde is a service to host irio websites. For easy deployment of the applications, a demimonde account with an API key can be registered. It also provides access to the analytics of site usage via the back-end and not the front end (that is, from the server logs with the ElasticSearch integration), without having to embed third-party script bundles (such as analytics scripts).

Privacy Notice

The privacy notice to comply with the regulations is shown to users when session is made use of for the first time. This means if no tracking of usage is performed by the application and it does not send analytical data, the notice is not required, but on the condition that the data gathered using back-end analytics engine Elastic Search is depersonalised and could not be used to devise each natural person's identity.

However, if the application does store the user data, a Privacy Policy generator feature of irio can be used to make a special section in regards to the privacy. Via this feature, website creators can go through a guided process of creating such policy for their website in order to comply with the European Data Protection Regulation 2018. A number of templates are provided.

Mongo Database

irio enjoys the implementation of a database interface. The mongo connection will be established when the connection string is passed, however by default, the database is not used.

  "database": process.env.MONGO_URL

Service Worker

The service-worker.js script makes the app progressive as it allows to load the application shell quickly and cache it for later use from the device.

Image Optimisation

The developers do not have to worry about embedding the right type of image, and can put the maximum resolution possible. During the build process, irio will generate smaller versions of the image.

When an image is added to the source code of the page with <image> component, and the parser pick up those tags to adapt the image to be responsive to different resolutions, and include correct html required to render the optimised image.

For example, the following snippet is used to generate an html for a page:

<div id="Hello">
  <image src="images/world.jpg" alt="World is everywhere around you.">
    <source media="(min-width: 750px)"
            srcset="images/world-1600_large_2x.jpg 2x,
                    images/world-800_large_1x.jpg" />
    <source media="(min-width: 500px)"
            srcset="images/world_medium.jpg" />
    <img src="images/world_small.jpg" alt="World is everywhere around you.">
    <figcaption>World is everywhere around you.</figcaption>


Offline Caching

Because pages are read from the pages directory, irio makes a representation of the website (including aliases) accessible for browser caching via the service-worker.

It is not enabled by default but when it is, it will cache specified pages on a user's device.

Pages for caching can be added using the code below:

  cache: [

Alternatively, caching can be enabled on the individual basis and be set from pages, e.g.,

/* pages/world/index.jsx */
export default async (ctx, next) => {
    includeAssets: true, // adds assets by default
  // ---^ adds this page and aliases to cache


Push Notifications

Request permissions for push notifications and make use of Amazon Lambda functions to process emails and push messages to the SNS. Such functionality is achieved with the pompeii package which provides the lambda function and the means to push it to the S3 bucket, and automatically configure a new function.


With proposed structure the applications can use service-worker to cache pages for progressive web apps, and receive push notifications.

Site Map Generation

Static Site Generator



The minifaction is achieved with uglifyify


Some form of tree shaking was made possible thanks to common-shakeify.

CDN resources

The react and other external vendor distributions are imported into the page with UMD syntax, that is in the global variable via window. For instance, the following scripts will be added into the document to make the whole idea possible.

https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/16.3.2/umd/react.production.min.js https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react-dom/16.3.2/umd/react-dom.production.min.js https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/redux/4.0.0/redux.min.js https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react-redux/5.0.7/react-redux.min.js

Although not shown above, the resources will be added with the sha256 validation, e.g.,


For bootstrap, the viewport width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no will be set,

When running a local version, the local js files corresponding to the above are added to the source code of pages. This makes development without an internet connection possible.

Bootstrap grid

Bootstrap is assumed to be the preferred grid system.


jQuery can be used, however it is not configured by default. This should be done when using bootstrap's JS.

Markdown support

Pages can be written in mark down and sent as part of the stream.

Developer Nicesities

Because developers develop websites, they need to have the best tools to do it in the most effective way -- in other words, to work smart. irio puts the developer on the first place and prioritises the developer experience.

Hot Module Reload

Client-side React component replacement is made possible due to the use of livereactload``@4 package. When the NODE_ENV is set to development, it will wrap the bundle in the code necessary to perform the hot module reload of React components. This allows for instant refresh of the page appearance in the browser window after a change in the source code.

When NODE_ENV is set to production, the code wrapping is disabled by pruning the if (process.env.NODE_ENV == 'development') { ... } tree during the minification process.

Hot Route Reload

Server-side reload will refresh a particular route when it sees an update to files in the route directory. Whereas hot module reload performs the refresh of the page via the socket.ioclient, the hot route reload just updates the back-end handler to use the newer version of the page.


Call this function to get a result you want.

import irio from 'irio'

(async () => {

(c) artdecocode 2018