is-function-pure v1.1.1
is-function-pure is a JavaScript utility for detecting if function is pure.
To install the package, use npm:
npm install is-function-pure
The isPure function checks if a single function in the given code is pure. It returns true if the function is pure, and false otherwise.
Input: A string containing a single JavaScript function.
Output: A boolean indicating whether the function is pure.
const { isPure } = require('is-function-pure');
const pureFunction = `
function multiply(a, b) {
return a * b;
console.log(isPure(pureFunction)); // Output: true
The separate function analyzes a block of code and returns an object containing two arrays: pure and impure. Each array holds details about the functions found in the code.
Input: A string containing JavaScript code.
Output: An object with pure and impure arrays.
const { separate } = require('is-function-pure');
const code = `
const x = 5;
function add(a, b) {
return a + b;
function impure(a) {
return a + x;
const result = separate(code);
console.log('Pure Functions:', result.pure);
console.log('Impure Functions:', result.impure);
Function is NOT pure if it:
- has references to outside scopes
- uses Date() or Math.random()
- uses this
- does not have return statement
More about what is considered pure or not you can read in test cases:
Tests are written using chai and can be run with:
npm run test
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