is-validate v1.0.2
An NPM package to validate form fields
I have published a post some days ago on How to Create and Publish Your First NPM Package. I realize that publishing an npm package is super easy. I have decided to create a form field validator in a very easy manner and ask developers to contribute to that.
I have created an npm library and published it to NPM and Github to validate form fields very easily. Let’s see what it can do?
npm install is-validate
Method 1 to import
const { isEmail } = require("is-validate")
Method 2 to import
const isValidate = require('is-validate');
All methods
- isEmail
//method 1
const { isEmail } = require("is-validate")
// true
// method 2
const isValidate = require('is-validate');
// true
All other functions will work, So I am not going to provide examples for each method
- isPhone
- isUrl
- isDate
- isTime
- isNumber
- isString
- isObject
- isBoolean
- isType
- isContain
console.log(isContains('Hello world', 'Hello'))
Package code
* This method accepts a string as its argument and returns true or false whether given string is email or not
const isEmail = (email) => {
let re = /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/.test(String(email).toLowerCase());
return re;
* This method accepts a string as its argument and returns true or false whether a given string is phone or not
const isPhone = (phone) => {
let is_phone = /^[\+]?[(]?[0-9]{3}[)]?[-\s\.]?[0-9]{3}[-\s\.]?[0-9]{4,6}$/im.test(phone);
return is_phone;
* This method accepts a string as its argument and returns true or false whether given string is URL or not
const isUrl = (string) => {
let url;
try { url = new URL(string); } catch (_) { return false; }
return url.protocol === "http:" || url.protocol === "https:";
* This method accepts a string as its argument and returns true or false whether given string is date or not
const isDate = (date) => {
return (new Date(date) !== "Invalid Date") && !isNaN(new Date(date));
* This method accepts a string as its argument and returns true or false whether given string is time or not HH: MM
const isTime = (time) => {
var isValid = /^([0-1][0-9]|2[0-3]):([0-5][0-9])$/.test(time);
return isValid;
* This method given argument is number or not
const isNumber = (number) => {
if(typeof number == 'number'){ return true;}
return false;
* This method given argument is a string or not
const isString = (string) => {
if(typeof string == 'string'){ return true;}
return false;
* This method given argument is boolean or not
const isBoolean = (boolean) => {
if(typeof boolean == 'boolean'){ return true;}
return false;
* This method given argument is object or not
const isObject = (object) => {
if(typeof object == 'object'){ return true;}
return false;
* This method will return the type of argument passed
const isType = (data) => {
return typeof data;
* This method will return true or false based on a string containing a substring.
const isContains = (string, substring) => {
return string.includes(substring)
module.exports = {
isEmail, isPhone, isUrl, isDate, isTime, isNumber, isString, isObject, isBoolean, isType, isContains
In the index.js file I have written code for validation and defined functions to perform validation.
Why contribute?
This is the first question that comes to mind whenever we think to start contributing to an open-source project. Refer to this URL to read why you should need to contribute to an open-source.
How to contribute?
This is a super easy package for form fields validation and I think it is very useful while developing any application. To contribute with me you need to do the following steps.
- Clone repo from Github
git clone
- Create a future branch
You have to create a new branch with the name feature-validate-email
Add a new function to index.js and export it
Test newly created function
To test your package locally (very important) you have to set the environment. Please refer to this article’s testing part.
Push code
After that, I will manually review the code and merge it with master and publish changes to NPM.
Thank you for reading this article, Don’t forget to follow me.