0.5.3 • Published 8 years ago

is.valid v0.5.3

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Last release
8 years ago


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Validation library for node.js inspired from the old famous codeigniter validation library.

How to use

Install from npm

npm install is.valid

Instantiate a new is.valid object

var IsValid = require('is.valid');

/** construct a new is.valid object passing the data array to validate
  * date array should contain a set of objects formatted as following
  * {fieldName: value}
var data = {
	name: 'foo bar',
	email: 'foo@bar.com'
var isValid = new IsValid(data);

Add validation rules

  * to add validation rules use addRule function
  * addRule accepts 3 arguments
  * field Name as in data object
  * friendly Name for error messages
  * rules separated by |
  * rule is specified by a name and optionaly options
  * like for minLength you should also submit what is the minimum length
  * using the brackets way [10]
isValid.addRule('name', 'Name', 'required|minLength[10]');

Run validation rules

  * run function go through all validation rules you specified for all fields
  * it accepts a callback function
  * where err is an array contains all error messages formatted like
  * {fieldName: errorMessage }
  * or null if no errors have been found
  * and data is the data object
isValid.run(function(err, data){


Validation functions

required: validates that a value exists

minLengthl: validates that a value length is at minimum equal to l

maxLengthl: validates that a value length is at maximum equal to l

exactLengthl: validates that a value length is exactly l

greaterThanl: validate that a value is greater than l

lessThanl: validates that a value is less than l

alpha: validates that a value contains only alphabet letters A-Za-z

alphaNumeric: validates that a value contains only alphabet letters or numbers A-Za-z0-9

alphaNumericDash: validates that a value contains only alphabet letters, numbers or dash A-Za-z0-9-

numeric: validates that a value is numeric 0-9

integer: validates that a value is an integer

decimal: validates that a value is a decimal number

natural: validates that a value is a natural number >= 0

naturalNoZero: validates that a value is a natural number and greater than zero

email: validates that a value looks like an email

regexs: validates that a value matches the given regular expressions s

matchesf: validates that a value matches a value of another field f

list: validates that a value is a list

minListLengthl: validates that a list has a minimum length l

maxListLengthl: validates that a list doesn't exceed a maximum length l

date: validates that a value is an actual date

beforeDatel: validates that a date is earlier than another date l

afterDatel: validates that a date is later than another date l

boolean: validates that a value is either true or false

sanitize: sanitize a value against any possible xss attacks


8 years ago


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