1.0.0 • Published 5 years ago

iso-ccl v1.0.0

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5 years ago

iso-ccl (Country, Currency, Language)

Easy way to use all the iso countries, currencies and languages with npm.


Install the latest version:

npm i iso-ccl

Require the module in your code & start using:

const {country, currency, language, countryCodes} = require('iso-ccl');

#Documentation ####Single import of country

const {country} = require('iso-ccl');

then just use country anywhere of the imported js file.

data formate of country is as like bellow:

     code: 'US', 
     name: 'United States'

Single import of Currency

const {currency} = require('iso-ccl');

then just use currency anywhere of the imported js file.

data formate of currency is as like bellow:

       "symbol": "$",
       "name": "US Dollar",
       "symbol_native": "$",
       "decimal_digits": 2,
       "rounding": 0,
       "code": "USD",
       "name_plural": "US dollars"     

Single import of country with phone code

const {countryCodes} = require('iso-ccl');

then just use countryCodes anywhere of the imported js file.

data formate of countryCodes is as like bellow:

   'name': 'ANDORRA', 
   'code': '376'

Single import of language

const {language} = require('iso-ccl');

then just use language anywhere of the imported js file.

data formate of language is as like bellow:

     code: 'ab', 
     name: 'Abkhazian'


Thanks for using this package, If you have any query or suggestion please let me know about it.

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