0.0.0 • Published 2 years ago

isoterm v0.0.0

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Last release
2 years ago


Table of Contents generated with DocToc

A Terminal With Precisely Configurable Fonts Using CSS Unicode Ranges

  • Why XXTerm
  • Why CSS Unicode Ranges


Clone this repo into a convenient location, then run pnpm install (or npm install if you prefer).

pnpm add -g yarn # or `npm install -g yarn`
git clone https://github.com/loveencounterflow/xxterm
cd /path/to/xxterm
pnpm install

The clone command will take a little while because XXTerm includes some fairly large CJK fonts (more or less the reason I started this is to have good coverage of CJK codepoints). The install command will also take some time because it calls git-clone-xtermjs, a script that clones and prepares xterm.js.

Note xterm will want to run tests using yarn which should be installed globally. The tests will fail for seemingly unrelated reasons unless yarn is found, and because of this failure, transpilation of modules will likewise not complete, meaning the xterm subdirectory is left in an unusable state. What's more, the tests will also download playwright which is needed for these very tests only (not for displaying a terminal in the browser as such), incurring a sizable additional dependency just because xterm insists on running tests when being installed (as such not a bad idea, but still). I hope that in the future, we can resolve these inconveniences and avoid unnecessary downloads, but for the time being I do not see precisely how to accomplish that.

Chromium is currently hardcoded to be used for the web terminal; on Debian-ish system, install it with

sudo apt install -y chromium-browser


When installation has completed, start a browser window displaying a terminal by executing


This will call chromium --app=http://localhost:3000; the browser window will show no menus and no address bar. In case the browser window does not show a terminal, press ctrl+r or use the button to reload the window.

Live Replay / Echo

As of commit #3768e37aaa0 the parent process can echo everything that's going on in the web terminal, including colors, zsh line completions, and even less paging (including the ability to clear the screen) and more advanced TUI stuff like htop just work. Not sure ATM why that would be useful but it does make for a nice demo!

To Do

  • Move xterm code out of main folder
  • Make digest or tag to revert to configurable?
  • Fix startups with missing terminal element in browser window
  • Make browser configurable (now hardcoded to chromium)
  • Try to avoid the startup delay caused having to wait for webpack (by including bundled code in dist or by removing webpack altogether)
  • Use exit handler to ensure server process gets terminated
  • make echoing of web terminal configurable
  • exit in web terminal should ternminate XXTerm (as it does in other terminal emulators)
  • implement On-Page Script (ops.js) to avoid having to code insed of index.html
  • can we mirror errors &c that happen in the browser console to the main process (cli.js)?
  • make browser console output easier to look at from the web terminal
  • handle race condition where a chosen port is no longer available so server.js fails to connect
  • make browser size configurable
  • start server in cli process, cutting down from 3 to 2 processes per terminal
  • add option whether to start in user mode or in app (kiosk) mode (showing vs hiding user chrome like address bar)
  • find out how to implement custom key shortcuts (key bindings) when terminal DOM element has focus; currently this is blocked by xterm/src/browser/Terminal.ts:446 &al.
  • infinite zoom plane / utopia planitia?
  • clarify why in app/index.html a useless literal <script> tag is needed even when the defer attribute on the <script src="dist/client-bundle.js"></script> tag has been removed—this looks like a very strange and unexpected interaction

Is Done

  • + Avoid connection error on startup (by using a splash screen?)
  • + Implement useful action (re-clone, update, cancel) to git-clone-xtermjs in case folder xterm should already exist (NB git reset --hard can be redone without changing anything)
  • + Establish websocket communication between server and browser
  • + Icon (sorta)
  • + remove dependency on https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/es6-promise/4.1.1/es6-promise.auto.min.js
  • + remove dependency on https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/fetch/1.0.0/fetch.min.js
  • + each xxterm instance should look for its own free port, fail with message in case it doesn't succeed in the configured range, with configured end digits
  • + implement opening browser in fullscreen
  • + implement technique to add key shortcut that overrides browser defaults such as ctrl+l, ctrl+k