1.3.1 • Published 1 year ago

istruthy-js v1.3.1

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1 year ago



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This function checks if the given data is truthy.
By default: if an object, array, set, or map contains ANY truthy values, it is truthy.
By default: the value 0 is considered as truthy.

Package at: https://www.npmjs.com/package/istruthy-js
GitHub repo at: https://github.com/AroenvR/istruthy
(main branch contains as few files as possible, clone the working_tests branch if you want to experiment with it)

Supports the following data types:

  • boolean
  • number
  • string
  • objects
  • arrays
  • nested arrays
  • sets
  • nested sets
  • maps
  • nested maps
  • null
  • undefined
  • NaN


This function is primarily designed for use in frontend applications, where it can be utilized to ensure that rendered elements are truthy and prevent potential crashes in the user interface.
While it may have additional potential use cases, this is the main purpose of the function.


  • data (required): The data, object or array to check.
  • zero (optional): If this parameter === false, then 0 is also considered falsy.
  • obj (optional): If this parameter === true, then the function will only allow objects where all values are truthy.


  • true if the data is truthy.
  • false if the data is falsy.


import { isTruthy } from 'isTruthy';

console.log(isTruthy(true)); // true
console.log(isTruthy(false)); // false

console.log(isTruthy(0)); // true
console.log(isTruthy(0, false)); // false

Check the example test script (using Jest) for detailed examples.


  • The function uses Object.getOwnPropertyNames(data) and Object.getPrototypeOf(data) to check if the given data is an object and if it is empty or not.
  • The function uses Array.isArray(data) to check if the given data is an array.
  • The function uses typeof(data) to check the type of data.
  • The function uses for...of loop to iterate over sets and maps.
  • If zero parameter is set to false, the function considers 0 as falsy.
  • If obj parameter is set to true, the function will only allow objects where all values are truthy.

Currently known constraints

Things the isTruthy function cannot (currently) handle:
.. Maybe others I missed?