1.0.2 • Published 6 months ago

it-vue-sidebar-menu v1.0.2

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Last release
6 months ago

vue-sidebar-menu (for Vue 3)

A Vue.js sidebar menu component with vue-router compatibility



:warning: This documentation is for Vue 3, for Vue 2 click here

What new in v5.0.0

  • Vue 3 support
  • Improved the sidebar design
  • Added custom scrollbar
  • Improved the sidebar accessibility
  • Custom link support


npm i it-vue-sidebar-menu --save

Install the plugin globally.

import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import VueSidebarMenu from 'it-vue-sidebar-menu'
import 'vue-sidebar-menu/dist/it-vue-sidebar-menu.css'

const app = createApp(App)

Or import the component locally.

import { SidebarMenu } from 'it-vue-sidebar-menu'
import 'vue-sidebar-menu/dist/it-vue-sidebar-menu.css'
export default {
  components: {

Basic Usage

  <sidebar-menu :menu="menu" />

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        menu: [
            header: 'Main Navigation',
            hiddenOnCollapse: true,
            href: '/',
            title: 'Dashboard',
            icon: 'fa fa-user',
            href: '/charts',
            title: 'Charts',
            icon: 'fa fa-chart-area',
            child: [
                href: '/charts/sublink',
                title: 'Sub Link',

Item Properties

  // item
    // string or a location object
    href: '/',
    // href: { path: '/' }

    title: 'Dashboard',

    // icon class
    icon: 'fa fa-user',
    /* or custom icon
    icon: {
        element: 'span',
        class: 'fa fa-user',
        // attributes: {}
        // text: ''

    badge: {
        text: 'new',
        class: 'vsm--badge_default'
        // attributes: {}
        // element: 'span'

    // child: []
    // disabled: true
    // class: ''
    // attributes: {}
    // hidden: false
    // hiddenOnCollapse: true

    /* with vue-router */
    // external: true
    // exact: true // apply active class when current route is exactly the same. (based on route records, query & hash are not relevant)
  // header item
    header: 'Main Navigation',
    // hidden: false
    // hiddenOnCollapse: true
    // class: ''
    // attributes: {}
  // component item
    component: componentName,
    // props: componentProps
    // hidden: false
    // hiddenOnCollapse: true


props: {
  // Sidebar menu (required)
  menu: {
    type: Array,
    required: true

  // Sidebar Collapse state (v-model:collapsed to enable two-way data binding)
  collapsed: {
    type: Boolean,
    default: false

  // Sidebar width (expanded)
  width: {
    type: String,
    default: '290px'

  // Sidebar width (collapsed)
  widthCollapsed: {
    type: String,
    default: '65px'

  // Keep only one child opened at a time (first level only)
  showOneChild: {
    type: Boolean,
    default: false

  // Keep all child open
  showChild: {
    type: Boolean,
    default: false

  // Sidebar right to left
  rtl: {
    type: Boolean,
    default: false

  // Make sidebar relative to the parent (by default the sidebar is relative to the viewport)
  relative: {
    type: Boolean,
    default: false

  // Hide toggle collapse btn
  hideToggle: {
    type: Boolean,
    default: false

  // Sidebar theme (available themes: 'white-theme')
  theme: {
    type: String,
    default: ''

  // Disable hover on collapse mode
  disableHover: {
    type: Boolean,
    default: false

  // The name of the custom link component (must be registered globally and define item as a prop)
  linkComponentName: {
    type: String,
    default: undefined


<sidebar-menu @update:collapsed="onToggleCollapse" @item-click="onItemClick" />
... methods: { onToggleCollapse(collapsed) {}, onItemClick(event, item) {} } ...

@update:collapsed(collapsed) Trigger on toggle btn click

@item-click(event, item) Trigger on item link click


All styles customization can be done in normal CSS by using this classes

.v-sidebar-menu {
.v-sidebar-menu.vsm_expanded {
.v-sidebar-menu.vsm_collapsed {
.v-sidebar-menu.vsm_rtl {
.v-sidebar-menu .vsm--item {
.v-sidebar-menu .vsm--link {
.v-sidebar-menu .vsm--link_active {
.v-sidebar-menu .vsm--link_open {
.v-sidebar-menu .vsm--link_mobile {
.v-sidebar-menu .vsm--link_level-[n] {
.v-sidebar-menu .vsm--link_disabled {
.v-sidebar-menu .vsm--title {
.v-sidebar-menu .vsm--icon {
.v-sidebar-menu .vsm--arrow {
.v-sidebar-menu .vsm--arrow_open {
.v-sidebar-menu .vsm--badge {
.v-sidebar-menu .vsm--badge_default {
.v-sidebar-menu .vsm--header {
.v-sidebar-menu .vsm--dropdown {
.v-sidebar-menu .vsm--mobile-bg {
.v-sidebar-menu .vsm--toggle-btn {

or you can override Sass variables (complete list of all variables can be found in src/scss/_variables.scss) and create your own theme. Make sure to set prop theme to default value.

@import 'custom-var.scss';
@import 'it-vue-sidebar-menu/src/scss/it-vue-sidebar-menu.scss';


  <template v-slot:header>header</template>
  <template v-slot:footer>footer</template>
  <template v-slot:toggle-icon>toggle-icon</template>
  <template v-slot:dropdown-icon="{ isOpen }">
    <span v-if="!isOpen">+</span>
    <span v-else>-</span>

Customize link

by default the component use a customized version of <router-link>, if your are using a 3rd party framework you can customize the link via the use of the link-component-name prop.

the link component must be registered globally and define item as a prop.

example with inertia.js:

import { createApp, h } from 'vue'
import link from '@inertiajs/inertia-vue3/src/link'

const customLink = {
  name: 'CustomLink',
  props: ['item'],
  render() {
    return h(link, this.$slots.default)
  watch: {
    '$page.url'() {
  inject: ['onRouteChange'],

const app = createApp(App)
app.component('custom-link', customLink)
<sidebar-menu :link-component-name="'custom-link'"></sidebar-menu>

Note: the onRouteChange function can be injected useful for updating the active state whenever the url change.