0.0.2 • Published 4 years ago

ivcss v0.0.2

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4 years ago

❓ ivcss是什么 what's the ivcss?

ivcss是封装了css预编译器sass的一种小型函数库。 The ivcss is a small function library that encapsulates the precompiler sass of css.

可以让你的sass书写更简单、更便捷。 It makes things like writing scss easier and praticularly faster.

ivcss只有一个接口,非常容易上手,它兼容至少百分之80的emmet的css写法。 ivcss is easy to pick up as it only have one interface, and it compatible with emmet's syntax for css at least 80%.

下面,我们来看一个演示: Let's look at a small case. 这是一段scss代码,可以看到一共占用了37行。 This is a piece of scss code,and u can see that it takes 37 rows.

  width: 300px;
  height: 500px;
  display: inline-block;
  background: #fff;
  border: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
  margin: 10px 20px;
  position: relative;
    display: block;
    width: 80%;
    height: auto;
    margin: 10% auto 5%;
    text-align: center;
    overflow: hidden;
    white-space: nowrap;
    text-overflow: ellipsis;
    padding: 10px;
  width: auto;
  height: 10px;
  margin: 0 50px 0 10px;
  background: #ccc;
  position: relative;
  border-radius: 5px;
    display: block;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    border-radius: 5px;
    background: rgb(254, 189, 89);

使用ivcss函数库只需要16行。 Only 16 lines are required by using ivcss.

import 'ivcss';
.box {
    @include ivcss(w300, h500, dib, bg#fff, "bd1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.1)", m10-20, por);
    @include ivcss(db, w80p, ha, m10p-a-5p);
  .book-name {
    @include ivcss(tac, ovh, whsnw, tov, p10);
    @include ivcss(wa, h10, m0-50-0-10, bg#ccc, bdrs5);
    @include ivcss(db, w100p, h100p, bdrs5, bg-rgb(254,189,89));

并且还可以再精简到5行。 And it can be leads to fewer lines.

import 'ivcss';
@include ivcss('[.box]', w300, h500, dib, bg#fff, "bd1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.1)", m10-20, por);
@include ivcss('[.box .book-image]', db, w80p, ha, m10p-a-5p);
@include ivcss('[.box .book-name]', tac, ovh, whsnw, tov, p10);
@include ivcss('[.process-bar]', wa, h10, m0-50-0-10, bg#ccc, bdrs5);
@include ivcss('[.process-active]', db, w100p, h100p, bdrs5, bg-rgb(254,189,89));

🛠 开始使用 Get started

首先,确保你已经安装好了node环境。 以及会使用sass即其他预编译器。

  • 【Install】安装ivcss
npm i ivsss
  • 【Include】引入ivcss - 注意引用路径要正确
@import 'ivcss';
  • 你也可以用test目录里的文件试行了解 Or, you can use the test folder in the project to experience the ivcss in advance.
  • 使用以下命令. Run the following commands.
npm install
npm run start

🎨 使用指南 Guidelines

通过 @include ivcss(); 进行调用

You do have to call @include ivcss() before being used.

  • 传值时,可写单位也可不写 Put params you want into the brackets, if the unit is 'px', you needn't add it.
@include ivcss(w20px, w20);

【The Result】运行结果:

width: 20px;
width: 20px;
  • 含百分号时需要加引号,否则会报错,推荐你使用p代替 With percent sign, you need to add the quotes, otherwise, it's may report errors, I recommend using the 'p' to replace it.
@include ivcss(w20p, 'w20%');	

【The Result】运行结果:

width: 20%;
width: 20%;
  • 传颜色时,可不加引号。bg后加rgb形式的需要加 '-'以示区分,因为和background-repeat缩写冲突了。 Pass the hex color parameter, you can without the quote, but use the rgb need it, especially for "background". beacuse it clashed with "background-repeat".
@include ivcss(c#fff, bgc#000, bg-rgba(0,0,0,0.1));

【The Result】运行结果:

color: #fff;
background-color: #000;
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
  • 传含有空号的值时,使用进行分隔,大部分情况下,不加也可以。 Include spaces, the value should be delimited by one pairs of backquote ( ` ). In most of the case, it's ok if you don't like to add it.
@include ivcss('bg`url("test.png") no-repeat top center`');
@include ivcss('bgurl("test.png") no-repeat top center');

【The Result】运行结果:

background: url("test.png") no-repeat top center;
background: url("test.png") no-repeat top center;
  • 传某些某些多值参数,如padding、margin,只需用分隔号隔开即可 - 可不加单位,没有单位的会自动添加单位 - a可以缩写成auto

Some multiple values such as "padding" and "margin", using '-' as a value separator, and also the "auto" can be abbreviated to "a".

@include ivcss(p20, p20-30-40 , ma-20-10p-30rem);

【The Result】运行结果:

padding: 20px;
padding: 20px 30px 40px;
margin: auto 20px 10% 30rem;

The ivcss almost support for the abbreviation of css that part of emmet.

@include ivcss(pos, poa, db, ovh, txov);	

【The Result】运行结果:

position: static;
position: absolute;
display: block;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
  • ivcss还提供一些其它特殊的值 Also, ivcss has provided other specific values, like 'xy' plus 't' or 'b' or 'l' or 'r', you can get the "auto".
// xy + t/b/r/l 会返回四个范围的auto值
@include ivcss(xyt, xyb);

【The Result】运行结果:

top: auto;
bottom: auto;
  • 支持选择器写入 Put the selector into the brackets is supported. Please note that it should be first place.
.wrap {
	@include ivcss('[.box]', m0a, ha);

@include ivcss('[div .test]', ha);

【The Result】运行结果:

.wrap .box {
  margin: 0 auto;
  height: auto;

div .test {
  height: auto;

将占位符选择器配置进去 Placeholder selector

同时,你也可以把你的继承类写进去。以下将告诉你如何配置。 Meanwhile, you can also put some placeholder selector in. Now let's see how to configure.


$map-extend-class-user: (
  // 调用名:占位符选择器名
  // call name : placeholder selector name
  ivcss-test-center: 'ivcss-absolute-center',
  ...: ....

【2】你先在任何你能调用到的地方写下你的占位符选择器。 Putting down this selector , you can get it anywhere.

  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  right: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  margin: auto;

【3】使用,将调用名直接放进去。 Start using it, just put it in.

@include ivcss('[.box]', ivcss-test-center, tac, db, w500);

【The result】运行结果:

.box {
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  right: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  margin: auto;
  text-align: center;
  display: block;
  width: 500px;

配置默认单位 configure default units

这个变量$default-units-user将允许自动添加单位,也就是当你没写单位时会自动补全。 This variable "$defult-units-user" will auto-complete when you haven't written the units.

$default-units-user: rem;


@include ivcss('[.test-3]', w10, h300px, p20-50px-30);


.test-3 {
  width: 10rem;
  height: 300px;
  padding: 20rem 50px 30rem;

✘问题 issue

  • 使用@import导入使函数名、变量污染了全局环境。后续考虑用dart-sass重新编写。 The @import rule loads mixins, functions, and variables while it made they has polluted the global scope. I'll have a think about that uses dart-sass do it again.
  • 测试不够,风险未知。 Testing insufficiently, unknown risk.


✨未来 future

  • 可能会做一个方便书写动画(animation)和媒体(medio)查询接口
  • 关于其他预编译器(Less, styuls),有时间会考虑。

🍦其他 Other

第一次开源,有很多不足之处。 The first time open source, there have the insufficient place. 如果你有什么问题,请在github 或gitee的issue版块里指出。 If you have any questions feel free to point out in github or gitee.

Also, please forgive me for broken english.😄

ivcss Github: ivcss ivscss-tools Github: ivscss-tools


4 years ago


4 years ago