1.2.3 • Published 3 years ago

jaiman v1.2.3

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Last release
3 years ago

npm install -g jaiman


1] Wrapper around newman and html-extra. 
2] Some advantages and some limitations here!


1] Parallel Execution
2] Integrated with SMTP
3] Customized Email Subject
4] Customized email receiver. We can specify when to send mail and whom to send mail.
	eg : if success automation, send report to these people,
	     if failed automation, send report to these people.
5] html-extra integrated by default.
6] Quick stat json will be printed at the end [name, total, failed, passed, duration and time]
7] Single collection execution also possbile
	- jaiman gmail col-name env-name
	- jaiman gmail col-name env-name "jayanthbala1993@gmail.com|jayanthbala1993@yahoo.com" "local"


Right click and click open image in new tab

Right click and click open image in new tab


1] no seperate json Report - can be possible
2] exported collections/environments should be named with extension json.
3] exported environment's name should have [qa, stg, dev, prod, preprod, na, eu] - because this will be in mail subject.
4] runtime saving key should be unique accross collection. in this parallel execution. if you use same key, that may overwrite in next collection.

Step by Step Installation :

  • npm install -g jaiman
  • create project directories by
  • jaiman generate project-name => eg : jaiman generate gmail
  • Export your collection in collection folder, export your environment in environment folder as .json file
  • That's it. - jaiman gmail ALL jai-dev = for local execution - jaiman gmail ALL jai-dev "jayanthbala1993@gmail.com|jayanthbala1993@yahoo.com" local = with mail
  • Argument structure after jaiman - arg1 = project name / folder name - arg2 = colection name without .json - arg3 = environment name without .json - arg4 = optional = email Adress = receiptent - seperated with pipe symbol - examples listed at last - arg5 = mandatory when you give email = mail-server-ip - if you have separate mail server - you can mention ip otherwise simple pass local
  • Mail Subject - Postman_Automation stack : projectName : ColectionName EnvironmentFileName - Postman_Automation QA : Testing : OverallReport jai-env-qa - Incase of single collection execution, you will receive status as well - Postman_Automation QA : Testing : OverallReport jai-env-qa : Pass

Folder Creation

jaiman generate projectName Right click and click open image in new tab


jaiman folder_name-project all environment_namereceiveremail(optional) passEmail | failEamil] mailServerIP / "local"

eg: jaiman gmail ALL jai-dev "jayanthbala1993@gmail.com|jayanthbala1993@yahoo.com"

jaiman gmail ALL jai-dev "jayanthbala1993@gmail.com|jayanthbala1993@yahoo.com"


Execute all collections :

jaiman folder_name-project all environment_namereceiveremail(optional) passEmail | failEamil] local | "your mail host ip"

Mail Properties :

- for mailing argument 4 and 5 is important.
- arg[4] = mail receiptent
- arg[5] = mail server IP or "local"
	- if you mention "local", server ip will be set as ""
	- if you mention other than local [""], server ip will be set as what you have provided "" 

For pass and fail alert

argument3 should be seperated with   |   pipe simbol, 
  before pipe considered as pass emailAdrs
  after pipe considered as fail emailArs
Case 1 : 
	if we provide arg 4 as empty,
		email adrs will be taken from the src/resource/config.json
Case 2 :
	if we provide arg4 as "jayanth_balakrishnan@jayanth.com"
		pass / fail - mail will be sent to "jayanth_balakrishnan@jayanth.com"
Case 3 : 
	if we provide arg 4 as "jayanth_balakrishnan@jayanth.com|balaji_lakshmanan@jayanth.com"
		pass will be send to "jayanth_balakrishnan@jayanth.com"
		fail will be send to both "jayanth_balakrishnan@jayanth.com|balaji_lakshmanan@jayanth.com"