1.0.0-pre.7 • Published 1 year ago

jasdjs v1.0.0-pre.7

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1 year ago

jasdjs - Just Another Sequence Diagrammer js

Generate a Sequence Diagram from a text representation.

For example:

title: An example

A -> B: This is a message
B -->> A: And this is a response
note over A: "Notes can be
over a lifeline"
note left of A: To the left
note right of A: Or to the right
A -> C: "It's easy to do
multiline text too"

note over A, C: Oh and notes can span over two lifelines too

JASDjs is allows you to create visually appealing documentation for your organisation.

Try it out online here.


npm install jasdjs

Getting started

This project is in its infancy atm, so please be patient.

Language Specification

Diagram Title

title: An example


Standard participants can either be declared inline in message declarations, e.g.

a -> b: message text

but can also be declared with an optional alias, e.g.

p: a
p: a as John

You can use both the short and long form:

p: thing as Short Form
participant: thing as Long Form

In the above, you can then use a in the message declarations whilst John will appear above and below the lifelife.

Actors need to be declared before they are used, again they can have an optional alias:

a: a
a: a as John

Again both shot (a) and long (actor) forms are available.


Messages are specified between the source and target pariticipants and are separated by an arrow.

source arrow target: text

Where source and target are the ids of pariticipants (if not previously declared, they will be created).

arrow can have have a solid or dashed line, dicatated by either a single or double dash (- or --), and an either a solid or open arrow head, dicatated by a single or double right chevron character (> or >>).

For example:

a -> b: Solid line, closed head 
b -->> a: Dashed line, open head


Use a plus and minus signs (+/-) after an arrow to activate or deactivate a lifeline respectively.

a ->+ b: this activates b
b ->- a: this deactivates b


Notes can either be left of, right of or over life lines.

note left of a: some text
note right of a: some text
note over a: some text

note over can optionally span two life lines:

note over a, b: some text

Multiline text

Diagram elements can display multiline text by enclosing the text in double quotes:

title: "A Multiline
Jack -> John: "This is a
multiline message"
note over Jack, John: "This is a
multiline note"


Both single and multiline comments are supported

// single line comment

comment */





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