0.3.0 • Published 8 years ago

jasmine-line-per-spec-reporter v0.3.0

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8 years ago

jasmine-line-per-spec-reporter 0.3.0 (2016-04-20)

Always report one line per spec, regardless of spec status.

Provided as a reporter class for the jasmine test framework.


The output format is:

status-right-padded - spec-number-left-padded/total-spec-count - full suite/spec description
                                                                 indented expect messages
                                                                 are output on FAILURE

Such that output would look like:

Passed   -   1/4 - Suite one Sub-suite AAA Spec one
FAILED   -   2/4 - Suite one Sub-suite BBB Spec two
                   Expected 1 to be 0.

Pending  -   3/4 - Suite one Sub-suite BBB Spec three
Disabled -   4/4 - Suite one Sub-suite CCC Spec four

Given these suites/specs:

describe('Suite one', () => {
    describe('Sub-suite AAA', () => {
        it('Spec one', () => {

    describe('Sub-suite BBB', () => {
        it('Spec two', () => {

        xit('Spec three', () => {

    xdescribe('Sub-suite CCC', () => {
        it('Spec four', () => {


The easiest way is to keep jasmine-line-per-spec-reporter as a devDependency in your package.json. Just run

npm install jasmine-line-per-spec-reporter --save-dev

to let npm automatically add it there.



In your protractor.conf.js file:

  • At the top, or with the other require lines, add:

    const JasmineLinePerSpecReporter = require('jasmine-line-per-spec-reporter');
  • In the config.onPrepare function, add:

        if (browser.params.linePerSpecReporter === true) {
            jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new JasmineLinePerSpecReporter(jasmine));
  • You can also hide disabled specs. So, if you're using any fdescribe/fit, or disabling remaining lines on failure, you won't see superfluous Disabled lines. In the config.onPrepare function, add:

        if (browser.params.linePerSpecReporter === true) {
            const conifg = {
                hideDisabled: true
            jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new JasmineLinePerSpecReporter(jasmine, config));
    This will produce output like the following:
    Passed   -   1/4 - Suite one Sub-suite AAA Spec one
    FAILED   -   2/4 - Suite one Sub-suite BBB Spec two
                       Expected 1 to be 0.
    Pending  -   3/4 - Suite one Sub-suite BBB Spec three
    1 disabled spec was hidden
  • You can also see stack trace lines that only match the path to your spec files, without all the extra stack trace junk you get from the default reporter. E.g., If you project root folder is my-project-folder and all your tests are in my-project-folder/test/spec, then in the config.onPrepare function, add:

        if (browser.params.linePerSpecReporter === true) {
            const conifg = {
                failureExpectationMessageSuffixLine: '',
                failureSuffixLine: null,
                showStackTrace: true,
                showStackTraceRegExMatch: /^.*[\\\/](my-project-folder[\\\/]test[\\\/]spec[\\\/].*)\)$/g,
                showStackTraceRegExReplace: '  at $1',
                showStackTraceRegExShowMax: 1
            jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new JasmineLinePerSpecReporter(jasmine, config));
    This will produce output for each failure showing only the first stack trace line that matches your criteria, like the following:
    Passed   -   1/4 - Suite one Sub-suite AAA Spec one
    FAILED   -   2/4 - Suite one Sub-suite BBB Spec two
                       Expected 1 to be 0.
                       Stack trace (replaced lines):
                         at my-project-folder/test/spec/myTest.js:10:8
    Pending  -   3/4 - Suite one Sub-suite BBB Spec three
    Disabled -   4/4 - Suite one Sub-suite CCC Spec four

grunt + protractor

If you are using grunt, this configuration will allow you to specify the protractor flag from the grunt command line.

You must modify the protractor configuration in your Gruntfile.js as:

    protractor: {
        options: {
            args: {
                params: {
                    // Map the `grunt` command line argument:
                    //     --linePerSpecReporter=true
                    // to the `protractor` boolean property:
                    //     browser.params.linePerSpecReporter
                    linePerSpecReporter: grunt.option('linePerSpecReporter')

grunt + regular jasmine




Run your usual protractor command with the extra flag:



protractor --params.linePerSpecReporter=true


Run your usual grunt command with the extra flag:



grunt test --linePerSpecReporter=true


  • Needs documentation -- Until fully documented, see defaultConfig in dist/jasmine-line-per-spec-reporter.js for all of the properties that can be set using optionalConfig as:

            jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new JasmineLinePerSpecReporter(jasmine, optionalConfig));
  • Feature -- Optional time prefixes:

    - Delta -- time between each spec as `SS.mmm`, e.g.:
        00.000 Passed   -   1/4 - Suite one Sub-suite AAA Spec one
        00.250 FAILED   -   2/4 - Suite one Sub-suite BBB Spec two
                                  Expected 1 to be 0.
        00.133 Pending  -   3/4 - Suite one Sub-suite BBB Spec three
        00.088 Disabled -   4/4 - Suite one Sub-suite CCC Spec four
    - Relative -- time since first spec `MM:SS.mmm`, e.g.:
        00:00.000 Passed   -   1/4 - Suite one Sub-suite AAA Spec one
        00:00.133 FAILED   -   2/4 - Suite one Sub-suite BBB Spec two
                                     Expected 1 to be 0.
        00:00.250 Pending  -   3/4 - Suite one Sub-suite BBB Spec three
        00:00.250 Disabled -   4/4 - Suite one Sub-suite CCC Spec four
    - Current -- current time as `YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.mmm`, e.g.:
        2016-04-19 16:00:00.000 Passed   -   1/4 - Suite one Sub-suite AAA Spec one
        2016-04-19 16:00:00.133 FAILED   -   2/4 - Suite one Sub-suite BBB Spec two
                                                   Expected 1 to be 0.
        2016-04-19 16:00:00.250 Pending  -   3/4 - Suite one Sub-suite BBB Spec three
        2016-04-19 16:00:00.250 Disabled -   4/4 - Suite one Sub-suite CCC Spec four

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