0.2.0 • Published 11 years ago

jasmine2-pit v0.2.0

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Last release
11 years ago


Run tests on promises using jasmine2 or minijasminenode

getting it

npm install --save-dev jasmine2-pit

using it

describe('something async', function(){
  pit('should do something async via a promise', function(){
    return User.find({name: 'testuser'}).then(function(user){

In this example the test will fail if the expectation fails, or if the promise fails (in this example, User.find). This will also always complete, which can be a bit tricky if you're handling this by hand. If you don't return a promise, then it will fail as well -- if you don't want to return a promise use it not pit. xpit exis as well to skip tests


Run grunt to get linting and run the tests. Note that some of the tests are expected to fail -- there may be a better way to test failure, but this is simple and in a small project is acceptable. Make a PR if you have any features you'd like added.


inspired by https://github.com/jeffmo/jasmine-pit