0.0.18 • Published 1 year ago
jattac.libs.web.responsive-table v0.0.18
ResponsiveTable is a reusable React component that displays tabular data in a responsive layout.
- Handles mobile and desktop layouts
- Customizable columns
- Dynamic column definitions
- Card-style mobile view
- Generic types for flexible data
<ResponsiveTable columnDefinitions={columns} data={data} />
- 'columnDefinitions' defines an array of columns, which can be a simple configuration object or dynamic function
- 'data' is an array of data objects to display in rows
The component handles switching layout based on screen width to optimize for desktop and mobile.
Custom Columns
Columns can be configured using the 'IResponsiveTableColumnDefinition' interface.
Some key configuration options:
- 'displayLabel': Header label
- 'dataKey': Maps column to data property
- 'cellRenderer': Renders cell value
See docs for more details on customization.
Dynamic Columns
Column definitions can also be a function allowing dynamic configurations per row.
Prop definitions provide detailed specification of component contract.
interface IProps<TData> {
/** Column definitions */
columnDefinitions: ColumnDefinition<TData>[];
/** Table data rows */
data: TData[];
/** Optional styling */
className?: string;
/** row click handler */
onRowClicked?: (row: TData) => void;
/** not data component */
noDataComponent?: ReactNode;
type ColumnDefinition<TData> =
| IResponsiveTableColumnDefinition<TData>
| ((rowData: TData, rowIndex?: number) => IResponsiveTableColumnDefinition<TData>);
interface IResponsiveTableColumnDefinition<TData> {
displayLabel: string | ReactNode;
dataKey?: keyof TData;
cellRenderer: (rowData: TData) => ReactNode;