1.0.0 • Published 8 years ago

javascript-abstract-types v1.0.0

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8 years ago

Javascript Abstract Types

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Collection of Javascript Abstract Types


  • List - an ordered sequence of data.
  • Singly Linked List - a collection of objects called nodes.
  • Circularly Linked List - has its head node's next property point back to itself.
  • Doubly Linked List - a list that contains links to next and previous nodes.
  • Stack - a list of elements that are accessible only from one end of the list.
  • Queue - a type of list where data are inserted at the end and are removed from the front.
  • Dictionary - a data structure that stores data as key-value paris.
  • Hashtable - a common technique for storing data in such a way that the data can be inserted and retrieved very quickly.
  • Set - a collection of unique elements.
  • Binary Search Tree - a binary tree in which data with lesser values are stored in left nodes and data with greater values are stored in right nodes.