2.1.1 • Published 3 years ago

javascript-form-validation v2.1.1

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3 years ago


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Javascript Library providing form validation helpers

Table of contents



In order to use this library, download zip file and copy necessary files from dist folder into your assets folder.



npm install javascript-form-validation


Include library


To use the library, start by including the files you need into head section of your project.

<script src="your_directory/EmailField.min.js" defer></script>
<script src="your_directory/PasswordField.min.js" defer></script>


Import and instantiate the validator you want to use (example using Password)

// Import
const Validator = require("javascript-form-validation");

// Instanciation (don't use instanciations documented in "Use components" section below)
let passValidator = new Validator.PasswordField();

Use components

Each component is made to help you validate a single type of data in your project.


The Color component helps you validate the input contains a valid CSS color code (Named, rgb, rgba or hex)

In order to use this component, first instantiate it and then use the isValid method to check it.

isValid(color) ⇒ boolean

colorstringColor to check
// Instantiation
let myColor = new ColorField(); // replace myColor by variable name of your preference

// Check Color
myColor.isValid("rgba(14, 85, 213, 0.4)");


The DateTime component helps you validate the input contains a valid DateTime (based on JS formats)

In order to use this component, first instantiate it and then use the isValid method to check it.

isValid(myDate) ⇒ boolean

myDatestringDate to check
// Instantiation
let myDate = new DateTimeField(); // replace myDate by variable name of your preference

// Check DateTime
myDate.isValid("2021-05-31 02:30");


The Digits component helps you validate the input contains only digits (0-9)

In order to use this component, first instantiate it and then use the isValid method to check it.

isValid(myText) ⇒ boolean

myTextstringText to check
// Instantiation
let myText = new DigitsField(); // replace myText by variable name of your preference

// Check string


The EAN13 component helps you validate the input contains a string that is a valid EAN13 number.

In order to use this component, first instantiate it and then use the isValid method to check it.

isValid(ean) ⇒ boolean

eanstringEAN13 to check
// Instantiation
let ean = new Ean13Field(); // replace ean by variable name of your preference

// Check ean


The Email component helps you validate the input contains a string that looks like an email. It doesn't validate the email exists.

In order to use this component, first instantiate it and then use the isValid method to check it.

isValid(email) ⇒ boolean

emailstringEmail to check
// Instantiation
let email = new EmailField(); // replace email by variable name of your preference

// Check email


The Iban (International Bank Account Number) component helps you validate the input contains a string that is a valid Iban (not that the account exists).

In order to use this component, first instantiate it and then use the isValid method to check it.

isValid(iban) ⇒ boolean

ibanstringIban to check
// Instantiation
let iban = new IbanField(); // replace iban by variable name of your preference

// Check iban


The IP component helps you validate the input contains a string that is a valid IP address (IPV4 and/or IPV6).

In order to use this component, first instantiate it and then use the isValid method to check it.

During instantiation, provide, if you like, optional parameters as an object to define what you require as IP version.

Parameters are as follows:

ipv4booleanYou check IPV4 versiontrue
ipv6booleanYou check IPV6 versiontrue

isValid(ip) ⇒ boolean

ipstringIP to check
// Instantiation
let ipAddress = new IPField({ipv4: false}); // replace iban by variable name of your preference. This will check only IPV6

// Check ip


The ISBN (International Standard Book Number) component helps you validate the input contains a string that is a valid ISBN (not that the number exists).

In order to use this component, first instantiate it and then use the isValid method to check it.

isValid(isbn) ⇒ boolean

isbnstringIsbn to check
// Instantiation
let isbn = new IsbnField(); // replace isbn by variable name of your preference

// Check isbn


The JWT (JSON Web Token) component helps you validate the input contains a string that is a valid JWT (not that the token exists nor that the signature is correct). **This only validated the token only contains valid characters and is correctly formed.

In order to use this component, first instantiate it and then use the isValid method to check it.

isValid(token) ⇒ boolean

tokenstringToken to check
// Instantiation
let token = new JwtField(); // replace token by variable name of your preference

// Check token

No Digits

The NoDigits component helps you validate the input doesn't contain digits (0-9)

In order to use this component, first instantiate it and then use the isValid method to check it.

isValid(myText) ⇒ boolean

myTextstringText to check
// Instantiation
let myText = new NoDigitsField(); // replace myText by variable name of your preference

// Check Text


The Password component helps you validate the input contains a string that matches the strength level you look for.

In order to use this component, first instantiate it and then use the isValid method to check it.

During instantiation, provide, if you like, optional parameters as an object to define what you require in the password.

Parameters are as follows:

uppercasebooleanYou require at least 1 uppercase charactertrue
lowercasebooleanYou require at least 1 lowercase charactertrue
numericbooleanYou require at least 1 numeric charactertrue
specialbooleanYou require at least 1 special charactertrue
minLengthintegerYou require a minimum length for password12

isValid(pass) ⇒ object|boolean

passstringPassword to check
// Instantiation
// This example requires uppercase, special, numeric and at least 15 characters
let pass = new PasswordField({lowercase: false, minLength: 15}); // replace pass by variable name of your preference

// This example requires uppercase, lowercase, special, numeric and at least 12 characters
let pass = new PasswordField(); // replace pass by variable name of your preference

// Check password


The Range component helps you validate the input contains a number that matches the range you look for.

In order to use this component, first instantiate it and then use the isValid method to check it.

During instantiation, provide, if you like, optional parameters to define what you require as a range.

Parameters are as follows:

MinintegerYou require a minimum value0
MaxintegerYou require a maximum value0

isValid(value) ⇒ object|boolean

valueintegerNumber to check
// Instantiation
// This example requires a number between 10 and 20
let range = new RangeField(10, 20); // replace range by variable name of your preference

// This example has no limits (just checks entry is a number)
let range = new Range(); // replace range by variable name of your preference

// Check password


The Same component helps you validate the input contains only identical values.

In order to use this component, first instantiate it and then use the isValid method to check it.

isValid(value1, value2, value3, ...) ⇒ boolean

valueXanyValues to check
// Instantiation
let myText = new SameField(); // replace myText by variable name of your preference

// Check Values
myText.isValid(12, "12", variable, "15"); // Example will return false


The Siren component helps you validate the input contains a string that is a valid "SIREN" number (French companies identifier), not that it exists.

In order to use this component, first instantiate it and then use the isValid method to check it.

isValid(siren) ⇒ boolean

sirenstringSiren to check
// Instantiation
let siren = new SirenField(); // replace siren by variable name of your preference

// Check siren
siren.isValid("123 456 789");


The Siret component helps you validate the input contains a string that is a valid "SIRET" number (French companies identifier), not that it exists.

In order to use this component, first instantiate it and then use the isValid method to check it.

isValid(siren) ⇒ boolean

siretstringSiret to check
// Instantiation
let siret = new SiretField(); // replace siret by variable name of your preference

// Check siret
siret.isValid("123 456 789 00001");


The Text component helps you validate the input contains a string that meets the length you provide.

In order to use this component, first instantiate it and then use the isValid method to check it.

During instantiation, provide, if you like, optional parameters to define what you require as a range.

Parameters are as follows:

MinintegerYou require a minimum length0
MaxintegerYou require a maximum length0

isValid(text) ⇒ object|boolean

textstringText to check
// Instantiation
// This example requires a text length between 10 and 20
let text = new TextField(10, 20); // replace text by variable name of your preference

// Check text
text.isValid("Hello World!");


The Url component helps you validate the input contains a string that meets the URL standard.

In order to use this component, first instantiate it and then use the isValid method to check it.

During instantiation, provide, if you like, optional parameter to define what you require as protocols.

Parameters are as follows:

ProtocolsarrayYou require specific protocols"https", "http"

isValid(url) ⇒ boolean

urlstringUrl to check
// Instantiation
// This example requires "https" or "ftp" protocols
let url = new UrlField(["https", "ftp"]); // replace url by variable name of your preference

// Check url

3 years ago


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