0.3.0 • Published 9 years ago

jawa-juice v0.3.0

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Last release
9 years ago


jawa-juice is a small, CoffeeKup-like DOM-based templating language. Just for fun.

I made it primarily to learn about Proxy, which is the secret sauce to the whole thing. Since the browser support for Proxy is quite bad, it's not very usable. I've only tested it in Firefox. And since it is DOM based, you can't use it on Node.js either. Well, you could try to use some DOM module and patch document, or whatever. I just tried to create a nice DSL with small amounts of code.

Here is CoffeeKup's example translated to jawa-juice, just to give a little taste what it looks like.

module.exports = ({title, description, path, user, post})->
  @html ->
    @head ->
      @meta(charset: "UTF-8")
      @title "#{title or "Untitled"} | A completely plausible website"
      @meta(name: 'description', content: description) if description?

      @link(rel: "stylesheet", href: "/css/app.css")

      @style """
        body {font-family: sans-serif}
        header, nav, section, footer {display: block}

      @script(src: "/js/jquery.js")

    @body ->
      @header ->
        @h1 title or 'Untitled'

        @nav ->
          @ul ->
            @li @a(href: "/") "Home" unless path is "/"
            @li @a(href: "/chunky") "Bacon!"
            @li switch user.role
              when "owner", "admin"
                @a(href: "/admin") "Secret Stuff"
              when 'vip'
                @a(href: "/vip") "Exclusive Stuff"
                @a(href: "/commoners") "Just Stuff"

      @div.myclass.anotherclass(id: "myid", style: "position: fixed") ->
        @p "Divitis kills! Inline styling too."

      @section ->
        @breadcrumb = require("mixins/breadcrumb")
        @breadcrumb separator: ">", clickable: yes

        @h2 "Let's count to 10:"
        @p i for i in [1..10]

        form_to = (attributes, post, block) =>
          @form(attributes)(method: "post") block
        # another way ...
        form_to = (attributes, post, block) =>
          @form(attributes)(method: "post") ->
              @ "Date:"
              @input(type: "date")
            @ block

        form_to id: "to-form", post, ->
          @textbox(id: "title", label: "Title:")
          @textbox(id: "author", label: "Author:")
          @input(type: "submit") "Save"

      @footer ->
        @p "Bye!"

But remember that jawa-juice is DOM-based, so you probably won't generate a whole document like this with it. More likely just a little partial here and there.


npm install jawa-juice


render = require "jawa-juice"
template = require "templates/tatooine"

fragment = render template,
  user: "R2-D2"
  location: "Luke's Speeder"




brunch is used for testing.

First run npm install to install dependencies.

Then run npm test to compile test files and fire up a server. Finally visit localhost:3333 in a browser.

The cool thing is that the tests will auto-reload as soon as you modify either the source code or the tests.

Language reference

First, have a look at the example above. That should get you going.

Then, have a look at the tests. They're straight-forward and self-documenting.


The X11 “MIT” License.