1.1.1 • Published 7 years ago
jerryslib v1.1.1
Write less, Do more
Jerryslib is designed to be a simple simple way to use some of the JavaScript native API easily!
You can install with npm:
$ npm install jerryslib
const jerryslib = require('jerryslib')
.query(name, querystring)
Method for getting the value of the name you pass in from the querystring
jerryslib.query('hello', '?hello=js') //js
Method for serialize JSON or parameter object to a URL string
jerryslib.serialize({hello: 'js', hi: 'test'}) //'?hello=js&hi=test'
Like JQuery, It's a DOM selector. You can use tag selector, class selector and ID selector
jerryslib.$(selector) //return a DOM or null
Method for delete a node you passed
jerryslib.removeNode(node) //return DOM(node)
Method for insert a node after the target you pass in
jerryslib.insertAfter(node) //without return
###.addClass(node, className)
Method for add a class in the node you pass in
jerryslib.addClass(node, className) //without return
Method for get the absolute URL from the relative URL
jerryslib.getAbsoluteUrl('/jerry') //'http://imweb.io/jerry'
.debounce(callback, time)
Useful for implementing behavior that should only happen after a repeated action has completed.
let delay = jerryslib.debounce(output, 300) //return a function
function output(data){
delay() //it will delay 300ms
.removeItemByIndex(index, arr)
Method for remove a item by its index from a array
jerryslib.removeItemByIndex(1, [1,2,3]) //[1, 3]
.sum(a, b)
Method for sum
jerryslib.sum(1, 2) //3