1.3.0 • Published 5 years ago
jest-html-reporters-diffimages v1.3.0
Jest reporter
Jest test results processor for generating a summary in HTML
npm install jest-html-reporters-diffimages --save-dev
Configure Jest to process the test results by adding the following entry to the Jest config (jest.config.json):
"jest": {
"reporters": [
As you run Jest from within the terminal, a file called jest_html_reporters.html
will be created within your root folder containing information about your tests.
Available Options
The options below are specific to the reporter.
Option Name | Type | Default | Description |
publicPath | string | '' | specify the base path |
filename | string | jest_html_reporters.html | Filename of saved report Applies to the generated html |
expand | Boolean | false | specify whether default expand all data |
pageTitle | string | Report | specify header and page title |
logoImgPath | string | undefined | specify path of the image that will be displayed to the right of page title |
hideIcon | Boolean | false | hide default icon |
customInfos | array | undefined | show some custom data info in the report, example value [ {title: 'test1', value: 'test1'}, {title: 'test2', value: 'test2'}] , you can also set value to a environment variable JEST_HTML_REPORTERS_CUSTOM_INFOS, see detail in #32 |
transformFailureMessageToImagePath | string | undefined | a function that parses failureMessage of the jest report and returns a path to a diff image, for failed visual tests (especially useful with jest-image-snapshot library). The function has to be a pure function and it should be stringified (apply .toString() method) |
example add config options
JSON config:
"reporters": [
["jest-html-reporters-diffimages", {
"publicPath": "./html-report",
"filename": "report.html",
"expand": true
JS config:
reporters: [
["jest-html-reporters-diffimages", {
publicPath: "./html-report",
filename: "report.html",
expand: true,
transformFailureMessageToImagePath: (failureMessage => {
const DIR = "diffimages";
const REGEXP = /See diff for details:[^/]*(\/.*\.png)/;
const path = ((failureMessage || "").match(REGEXP || / /) || [])[1];
const relativePath = ((path || "").match(/\/src\/(.*\.png)/) || [])[1];
return relativePath ? `${DIR}/${relativePath}` : "";
5 years ago