1.3.0 • Published 5 years ago

jest-html-reporters-diffimages v1.3.0

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5 years ago

Jest reporter

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Jest test results processor for generating a summary in HTML

example picture


  npm install jest-html-reporters-diffimages --save-dev


Configure Jest to process the test results by adding the following entry to the Jest config (jest.config.json):

"jest": {
  "reporters": [

As you run Jest from within the terminal, a file called jest_html_reporters.html will be created within your root folder containing information about your tests.

Available Options

The options below are specific to the reporter.

Option NameTypeDefaultDescription
publicPathstring''specify the base path
filenamestringjest_html_reporters.htmlFilename of saved report Applies to the generated html
expandBooleanfalsespecify whether default expand all data
pageTitlestringReportspecify header and page title
logoImgPathstringundefinedspecify path of the image that will be displayed to the right of page title
hideIconBooleanfalsehide default icon
customInfosarrayundefinedshow some custom data info in the report, example value [ {title: 'test1', value: 'test1'}, {title: 'test2', value: 'test2'}], you can also set value to a environment variable JEST_HTML_REPORTERS_CUSTOM_INFOS, see detail in #32
transformFailureMessageToImagePathstringundefineda function that parses failureMessage of the jest report and returns a path to a diff image, for failed visual tests (especially useful with jest-image-snapshot library). The function has to be a pure function and it should be stringified (apply .toString() method)

example add config options

JSON config:

"reporters": [
  ["jest-html-reporters-diffimages", {
    "publicPath": "./html-report",
    "filename": "report.html",
    "expand": true

JS config:

reporters: [
  ["jest-html-reporters-diffimages", {
    publicPath: "./html-report",
    filename: "report.html",
    expand: true,
    transformFailureMessageToImagePath: (failureMessage => {
      const DIR = "diffimages";
      const REGEXP = /See diff for details:[^/]*(\/.*\.png)/;
      const path = ((failureMessage || "").match(REGEXP || / /) || [])[1];
      const relativePath = ((path || "").match(/\/src\/(.*\.png)/) || [])[1];
      return relativePath ? `${DIR}/${relativePath}` : "";