0.7.0 • Published 7 years ago
jest-puppe-shots-env v0.7.0
A Jest plugin for creating screenshots of React components with a little help of Puppeteer
How it works?
This is the custom Jest Test Environment,
Global Teardown and
Global Setup hooks for the
Check the README to get more information how to use the plugin.
You can install the plugin using NPM:
npm install jest-puppe-shots-env --save-dev
or by Yarn:
yarn add jest-puppe-shots-env --dev
Jest Configuration
Before starting using the jest-puppe-shots-env
you will need to change your Jest configuration file.
Open the jest.config.json file and add additional entries:
"testEnvironment": "jest-puppe-shots-env/lib/node-environment.js",
"globalSetup": "jest-puppe-shots-env/lib/global-setup.js",
"globalTeardown": "jest-puppe-shots-env/lib/global-teardown.js"
Those hooks are responsible for launching the Puppeteer in the background while the Jest runner is starting.