1.1.2 • Published 6 years ago
jest-watch-suspend v1.1.2
Pausing/resuming jest
watch mode.
Requires jest@23+
To use jest-watch-suspend
add it to the watchPlugins
section of the Jest configuration:
"jest": {
"watchPlugins": [
// default
// configure
"jest-watch-suspend", {
// override key press
"key": "s",
// override prompt
"prompt": "suspend watch mode",
// starts in suspend mode
"suspend-on-start": true
Use Cases
Suspend on start:
- (suspended) ->
[p] + <filter>
|[t] + <filter>
Setup both path and name filter before running tests:
(suspend) ->[p] + <filter>
->[t] + <filter>
Change multiple files before running tests:
(suspend) -> multiple changes and file saves ->[s]