0.2.1 ā¢ Published 3 years ago
jest-web3 v0.2.1
Jest Web3 - Web3 Environemnt for Jest
Jest Testing Environemnt w/ Ganache Instance and Ethers Provider interface
š¦ jest-web3@0.1.0
yarn add -D jest-web3
Add to your Jest config.
"testEnvironment": "ethers",
"testEnvironmentOptions": {
"port": "8545",
"mnemonic": ""
...moreOptions // view options section
Ganache Instance
You can specify options for the ganache Instance by following the interface:
export interface IProviderOptions {
account_keys_path?: string;
accounts?: object[];
allowUnlimitedContractSize?: boolean;
blockTime?: number;
db_path?: string;
debug?: boolean;
default_balance_ether?: number;
fork?: string | object;
fork_block_number?: string | number;
forkCacheSize?: number;
gasLimit?: string | number;
gasPrice?: string;
hardfork?: "berlin" | "london" | "arrowGlacier"; // arrowGlacier not yet!
hd_path?: string;
locked?: boolean;
logger?: {
log(msg: string): void;
mnemonic?: string;
network_id?: number;
networkId?: number;
port?: number;
seed?: any;
time?: Date;
total_accounts?: number;
unlocked_accounts?: string[];
verbose?: boolean;
vmErrorsOnRPCResponse?: boolean;
ws?: boolean;
Use Ethereum blockchain with an injected Ethers Provider/Ethers compatible Provider in your tests:
test('accounts', async () => {
const unlockedAccounts = ethersProvider.getAccounts();