0.1.0 • Published 5 years ago

jf-react-events-calendar v0.1.0

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(ISC OR GPL-3.0)
Last release
5 years ago

React Event Calendar

Live demo


npm install @jfschmiechen/react-event-calendar


Calendar Props

itemsobjectThis is an array of event objects. Each object needs a text, start, and end value.Null
monthintegerDetermines what month the calendar is viewingCurrent month
yearintegerDetermines what year the calendar is viewingCurrent Year
configobjectThe config object contains values that won't be changing often such as event declarations. See next table and examples below.Null

Config Object

heightstringHeight of calendar. Value must be calculable otherwise the calendar frame loses integrity.600px
widthstringWidth of calendar. Value must be calculable otherwise the calendar frame loses integrity.1000px
colorsobjectAllows customization of calendar theme. Object contains primaryColor and secondaryColor fields{ primaryColor: 'slateblue', secondaryColor: 'lightslategray' }
onEventClickfunctionTakes a function that is passed the click event, calendar event, and an array of all events in it's tile.Null
onTileClickfunctionTakes a function that is passed an array of all events in the tile, and the click event.Null
onPlusMoreClickfunctionFunctionally the same as onTileClick, but is triggered when the tile overflow text is clicked.Null
weekDaysstringStarting on Sunday, this array contains names of each week day. If you want the day names to be in another language, override this with an array of the translated names.'Sunday', 'Monday', ...
dateFormatstringThis needs to be set if you are using a different date format than the default value. That way, the calendar can parse dates correctly. See moment.js for more formats.'YYYY-MM-DD'

Event Schema

textstringThis is the text that appears on the event itself.
startstringThe date / date time the event starts.
endstringThe date / date time the event ends.
colorstringIf this is not set the event will take on the primaryColor defined in the config.
  • If your events have more fields than these, include them when you pass the events to the calendar and they will be available to use when the event listeners fire.


import React from 'react';
import { EventCalendar, eventTypes } from '@jfschmiechen/react-event-calendar';

// Event source (array of event objects)
import events from './lib/resources/events-json';

let parsedEvents = [];
// Create shim so that the calendar can get the correct data from each event.
// In this example, I am using events from a google calendar.
events.items.map(event => {
    let tempObject = {};

    tempObject.start = event.start.dateTime ? event.start.dateTime : event.start.date;
    tempObject.end = event.end.dateTime ? event.end.dateTime : event.end.date;
    tempObject.text = event.summary;


// These colors allow customization to the theme.
// default colors are slateblue and lightslategray.
let colors = {
    primaryColor: 'slateblue',
    secondaryColor: 'lightslategray'

// The config contains all settings for the event calendar.
// See the API table to see all possible values.
let config = {
    onEventClick: (e, event, eventArray) => console.log(event.type === eventTypes.SINGLE_DAY_TYPE),
    onTileClick: (e, eventArray) => console.log(eventArray),
    onPlusMoreClick: (e, eventArray) => console.log(eventArray)

// Lastly, pass the events and config to the calendar, and you are done.
function App() {
  return (
      <EventCalendar items={parsedEvents} month={5} year={2019} config={config} />

export default App;


  • Events passed to this component are deep copied in order to keep immutability.
  • If calendar width is less than 450px OR height is less than 520px, the calendar will enter a mobile view since at that size the full size events are not legible.

Built With



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details