jigsass-generic-reset v1.1.3
JigSass Generic Reset
A minimal and considered CSS reset
The JigSass reset is meant to compliment jigsass-generic-normalize
(though it does not depend
on it), and removes margins paddings and font-sizes from selected element, as well as sets the
default global box-sizing
to border-box
Using npm:
npm i -S jigsass-generic-reset
@import 'path/to/jigsass-generic-reset/scss/index';
Like all other JigSass modules, all css output is opt-in, and needs to be explicitly @includ
Simply importing it will not affect your generated css.
JigSass Reset offers mixins for including each of the reset submodules, and a shortcut mixin,
, to include all parts at once.
The styles of each JigSass Normalize submodule will only be included a single time, where they were imported
Please check the documentation for more details on the available mixins and their use.
It is a best practice for JigSass modules to not automatically generate css on @import
, but
rather have to user explicitly enable the generation of specific styles from the module.
Contributions in the form of pull-requests, issues, bug reports, etc. are welcome. Please feel free to fork, hack or modify JigSass Generic Reset in any way you see fit.
Writing documentation
Good documentation is crucial for scalability and maintainability. When contributing, please do make sure that all Sass functionality (functions, mixins, variables and placeholder selectors) is well documented.
Documentation is auto-generated using SassDoc
Running tests
gulp lint
will, well, lint the contents scss files in the scss
gulp test
with run module's test using Mocha and Sassaby.
gulp tdd
will watch both the Sass files and the test specs for changes, and will
run tests automatically upon them.
Writing tests
JigSass Generic Reset tests are written using Sassaby
and Mocha. Spec files are located in the test
Mocha allows us to place a call to before()
in the root of any test file and it
will be run once, before all the other tests in every test_*.js
We can also require()
files and assign them to the global object to make them
available to all test_*.js
jigsass-generic-reset uses a file called helper.js
can be used to set up mocha
globals requires and before()
In addition to Sassaby's testing functions, jigsass-generic-reset makes a few Sass functions available to the test suite, for use inside Sassaby tests:
File structure
┬ ./
├─┬ scss/
│ └─ index.scss # The module's importable file.
├── sassdoc/ # Generated documentation
│ # of the module's sass features
└─┬─ test/
├─┬ helpers/
│ │
│ ├── importer.scss # Used for easilty importing tested scss files
│ │
│ └── _test_helpers.scss # JigSass's assertion helpers,
│ # for use inside Sassaby tests.
├── helper.js # Used for defining global `before()`
│ # functions and requiring modules.
└── test_jigsass-generic-reset # Specs. Mocha will automatically
# run all javascript files located
# in the `test` directory.
License: MIT