0.2.2 • Published 13 years ago
jira-api v0.2.2
JIRA API wrapper for Node.JS
A library for working with JIRA's RESTful API.
This library is not production ready and by no means complete. If you wish to contribute please follow the conventions used so far, make a new directory inside lib/
named after the resource you wish to access. Thats it. Enjoy!
Supported resources
- issue
Clone this repo into your project
git clone git://github.com/alexkappa/node-jira-api.git
In your application, require the library using
var jira = require('./jira-api');
Now you're ready to make calls to the API
var options = {
config: {
"username": "someuser",
"passowrd": "secretpass",
"host": "http://example.com/jira/"
issueIdOrKey: "123"
jira.issue.get(options, function(response) {
console.log(JSON.stringify(response, null, 4));
You can also specify the data to send (in case of POST, PUT etc.)
var options = {
config: {
"username": "someuser",
"passowrd": "secretpass",
"host": "http://example.com/jira/"
data: {
fields: {
project: {
key: "PROJ999",
priority: {
name: "Critical",
summary: "A short summary of the issue",
description: "A more elaborate decription of the issue",
issueType: {
name: "Improvement"
assignee: {
name: "Bob"
jira.issue.post(options, function(response) {
console.log(JSON.stringify(response, null, 4));
For a list of available request representations consult the official API documentation.