0.0.14 • Published 8 years ago

jira-item-form v0.0.14

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8 years ago

Project for creating a generic JIRA issue creation form

This module uses AngularJS and Angular Messages to interact with the page. See the provided index.html for CDNs for both.

There are three pieces included in this library, a simple php proxy, an angular service and an angular directive.

To use the proxy, simply serve it where your app can reach it from a server that supports php. Rename sample.jira-form-proxy-config.php to jira-form-proxy-config.php and change the settings to match your JIRA instalation and log folder. You can use your own proxy, we are simply providing this for convienience.

To use the angular service, you will need to depend on the 'jiracreate' module and configure the 'JIRA' service. The available configuration methods are:

setJIRAIssueCreationPath - This sets the path on the JIRA server that creates the 
item. It defaults to '/rest/api/2/issue'. You will likely not need to change this

setServer - This sets the default server that is passed to the proxy as a query
parameter. It has no default value.

setProxy - This sets the path to the proxy that will be used to pass the request
on to JIRA. it defaults to '/jira-form-proxy.php?url=', the proxy that is provided
with this library.

The service has several methods that you can use to help talk to JIRA: createIssue(summary, issueType, project) - creates an item skeleton, based on the parameters passed. postItem = function (item, server, proxy) - Takes an object representing a new JIRA item and posts it to the proxy. If you configured setServer, the server param is optional. The proxy param is always optional.

See sample-index-2.html for an example of using the service in this way.

The final piece of this library is an angular directive. You can use it as part of an Angular application by depending on the jiraForm module, and then pass it either a string or an object via the config attribute. If the value passed is a string, it will look on the global scope for an object with that name, and use that as its configuration object.

You can also use this directive on its own, outside of an angular app. You will still need to load angular and ng-messages on the page, but then you can simply use the directive as normal. The lib will look through your page for uses of the directive, and bootstrap an angular app there to support it. Note that using the directive in this way means that you must pass a string to the directive, and the config object must be on the global scope. See sample-index.html for an example of how to use the directive in this way. See below for more details on the directive configuration object.

The directive configuration object:

The configuration for the directive should be contained in an object. It is passed to the directive via the config attribute of the inquriy-form element. If a string is passed, the directive will look for an global variable with that name and use that. This is usefull if you are using this directive as a stand alone angular piece, without creating your own Angular app. This configuration object has many fields:

title - A string that is the title that will appear at the top of the form

errorContact - A string that is the contact information that you want to display if something goes wrong.

proxyUrl - The relative path to the proxy you set up to JIRA

server - The url of the JIRA server

inquiryDumpFieldJiraName - The human friendly name of the inquiryDumpField. Purely for programmer convenience

inquiryDumpField - The field that the form will dump the entire json of the form into so that no matter what, you will always have a complete record of the request

formFields - An array of objects specifying what each field in the form will look like. Each object has a number of fields.

name - The name of the field in the form. This is what the user of the form
will see

required - A boolean that, if true, will prevent submission of the form
until this field is filled out.

type - A string that specifies the type of form input to use. Options are
    text - A text field
    tel - A text field specifically for phone numbers
    email- A text field specifically for emails
    select - A drop down menu. If this options is selected, you will need
    to set the options field, see below.
    label - just the name, no input is present,
    checkbox - a checkbox
    prelabel - As label, but the text is on the right side

inquiryField - The name by which the field will be refered to internally

options - An array of strings that are the options for the dropdown for an
input of type select

placeholder - The string that will be the placeholder text for text inputs

maxlength - A number that becomes the maxlength for the text inputs

default - if provided, this will be used as the default value

commonFields - An object whose fields are objects describing the JIRA fields that are common accross all the types of issues that this form will create. The name of the field is the internal JIRA name of the field. Inside the object, there are a number of options

jiraName - A programmer convenience, a place to store the human-friendly name
of the JIRA field

inquiryField - The name of the field in the form that populates this JIRA
field. Should be the same as at least one of the inquiryField values in
formFields above.

encloseInObject - A boolean. If true, will enclose the given input in an
object like so { value: "thing" }. Some JIRA fields require this.

map - An object that is a map between the options for the form
and JIRA.

issueTypes - An object whose fields are objects describing the JIRA fields that are specific to that issue type. The names of the fields are the JIRA names of the issue types. The options for these are the same as the ones inside common fields

issueType - Either a string, or a function that takes the inquiry object and returns a string, that is used to determine the type of the issue to be created. It takes as a parameter an object that has the values in the form as fields, named according to the inquiryField names. It should return a string that matches a issue type specified in the issueTypes object.

summary - Either a string, or a function that takes the inquiry object and returns a string to use as the overall name of the created item.

projectKey - Either a string, or a function that takes the inquiry object and returns a string that is the key for the project that you want the form to create items in

onSubmit - A function that, if provided, will be called when the form is submitted.

For Developers:

To test contributions to this repository, run

npm install
gulp dev

Inside the dev folder this creates, you can create an index.html file that uses this library and points to your JIRA instance. You can also create your jira-form-proxy-config.php here.

To view your app:

gulp serve

Note that gulp will only serve the web application portion of this repository. In order to have it work end to end, you will need to either set up your own proxy to your JIRA instance, or use the php proxy provided with some other server. If you don't have one handy, you can use Cloud 9: c9.io


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9 years ago