1.1.2 • Published 4 years ago

jlev-react-table-wrapper v1.1.2

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Last release
4 years ago

Table Resource

This table is a wrapper around the react-bootstrap-table project. Here are the docs for this project they do a good job of explaining all the props that it takes

BootstrapTable Props Docs: here

TableColumnHeader Props Docs: here


npm i jlev-react-table-wrapper


yarn add jlev-react-table-wrapper

For now also you need to include the following in the <head> tag of your apps main entry component:

<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.2.1.slim.min.js" integrity="sha384-KJ3o2DKtIkvYIK3UENzmM7KCkRr/rE9/Qpg6aAZGJwFDMVNA/GpGFF93hXpG5KkN" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src="https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.1/assets/js/vendor/popper.min.js" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/latest/css/bootstrap.min.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://allenfang.github.io/react-bootstrap-table/css/react-bootstrap-table-all.min.css">
<script src="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.0.0/js/bootstrap.min.js" integrity="sha384-JZR6Spejh4U02d8jOt6vLEHfe/JQGiRRSQQxSfFWpi1MquVdAyjUar5+76PVCmYl" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/bootstrap-select/1.13.2/css/bootstrap-select.min.css">
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/bootstrap-select/1.13.2/js/bootstrap-select.min.js"></script>

We are working on getting rid of this but for the time being this is necessary.


Building your code to deploy to NPM: (you will need to update the version in the package.json)

yarn rollup;
npm publish;

Building a table

To build a table using this package you need to make use of the AgentToolsTableBuilderService.tsx and the \ element. The \ takes 2 props tableBuilder and tableModel.

tableBuilder: An instance of a class that implements AbstractTableBuilderService i.e. the AgentToolsTableBuilderService class.

tableModel: A configuration object of type BuiltTableConfigModel\ that defines the input data of the table as well as all the settings that you want applied to the table. You can see the structure of this object defined below.


An example can be found in the /examples folder. Basically you define a table model that follows the BuiltTableModel<T> guidelines below. This can be seen in the /examples/table-definitions.model.tsx. The you create an instance of the AgentToolsTableBuilderService class which implements the AbstractTableBuilderService class. You then pass the service and the model as props to the \ i.e.

<TableWrapperComponent tableModel={your_table_definition} tableBuilder={your_builder_instance}/>

This process can be seen in the /examples/basic-table/components/basic-table.component.tsx file.

The <TableWrapperComponent> takes an AbstractTableBuilderService instance for the builder in case you would like to create your own builder service implementation as the only one we have now is geared towards Agent Tools projects specifically.

Additionally there is an example project that you can use here

Model Definitions


A templated type where T is the type of the object that your data input is made up of.

// REQUIRED the collection to put into the table
data: T[]

// a transformation method that you want applied to the input data defualts null
dataTransformer?: (data: any[]) => T[]

// REQUIRED the main configuration object for the table defined below
mainConfig: TableWrapperConfig\<TRow extends object>

// REQUIRED the column definition for the table defined below
columnsConfig: Array<Partial<TableWrapperColumnConfig<T>>>

// the extra options for style, functionality etc. defined below
optionsConfig: Options<TRow>

// overrides for other parts of the table defined below, defaults to null
overrides?: TableOverridesModel<T extends object>

A templated type where T is the type of the object that your data input is made up of.

// height of the table classic css string fashion, defaults to 100%
height?: string;

// height of the table classic css string fashion, defaults to 100%    
maxHeight?: string;

// indicates if rows are striped defaults true
striped?: boolean;

// indicates if row should darken when hovered over defaults true
onHoverHighlight?: boolean;

// compacts the table rows and cells defaults false
denseView?: boolean;

// applies a border around the table defaults true
isBordered?: boolean;

// indicates that pagination is active on table, defaults false    
hasPagination?: boolean;

// class name to apply to each row    
trClassName?: string;

// definition of actions for insertion into and deletion from the table rows defualt null
tableAlterationActions: TableManipulationConfig;

// indicates table supports column specific filtering defaults false
columnSpecificFiltering?: boolean;

// indicates whether search bar is active, defaults true
hasSearch?: boolean;

// indicates search bar placeholder text, defaults 'Search'
searchPlaceHolder?: string;

// indicates table supports search across multiple columns defaults true
multiColumnSearch?: boolean;

// indicates whether table supports export to csv defaults false
exportCsv?: boolean;

// indicates the name for the csv file exported, defaults '' 
csvFileName?: string | (() => string);

// indicates not to show paginator if pagination is enabled but there is only 1 page 
ignorePaginationIfOnlyOnePage?: boolean;

// Not sure at the moment what this is
scrollTop?: 'Top' | 'Bottom' | number;

// table styling object for applying classes and styles to parts of the table defualt null
styling: TableStylingConfig;

// defines the options and implementation of row expansion for the table, defualt null
rowExpansionConfig: RowExpansionConfig;

// indicates max number of rows you can sort by, defaults to 1
multiColumnSortLimit?: number;

// defines the keyboard navigation implementation for the table, defaults null
keyboardNavigationConfig?: boolean | KeyboardNavigation;

// TODO not implemented yet, but will define method that table itself can fetch data
fetchInfo: any;

// defines the row selection implementation for the table defaults null
rowSelectionConfig?: SelectRow;

// defines the cell editing implementation for the table defaults null    
cellEditConfig?: CellEdit;

// other table options that are defined below defaults null
tableOptionsConfig: Options<TRow>;
// TODO define these
type?: 'basic' | 'button' | 'dropdown' | 'dropdown-bootstrap';
dataField: string,
isKey?: boolean;
width?: string;
dataAlign?: AlignDirection;
headerAlign?: AlignDirection;
dataSort?: boolean;
caretRender?: (direction: 'asc' | 'desc', sortingFieldName: string) => ReactElement;
dataFormat?: (cell: any, row: any, formatExtraData: any, rowIndex: number) => string | ReactElement
formatExtraData?: any;
tdAttr?: CustomAttrs;
tdStyle?: CSSProperties;
thStyle?: CSSProperties;
filterFormatted?: boolean;
filterValue?: (cell: any, row: any) => any;
csvHeader?: string;
csvFormat?: (cell: any, row: any) => string;
csvFormatExtraData?: CSSProperties;
hidden?: boolean;
export?: boolean;
expandable?: boolean;
autoValue?: boolean;
searchable?: boolean;
showColumnTitle?: boolean;
headerTitle?: boolean;
headerText?: string;
sortFunc?: (a: T, b: T, order: SortOrder, sortField: keyof T, extraData: any) => number;
determineClassName?: string | ((cell: any, row: any, rowIndex: number, columnIndex: number) => string);
columnClassName?: string | ((cell: any, row: any, rowIndex: number, columnIndex: number) => string);
editColumnClassName?: string | ((cell: any, row: any) => string);
invalidEditColumnClassName?: string | ((cell: any, row: any) => string);
editable?: boolean;
customEditor?: CustomEditor<T, any>;
filter?: Filter;
rowCount?: number;
rowSpan?: number;
colSpan?: number;
cellAction?: (row: any, col: any, data: any, ndx: number) => string | ReactElement;
dropdownSelectionValues?: string[];

For documentation of the Options\<TRow> object please refer to these docs Keep in mind that you can define as many or as few of these properties in your table as they all area already initialized with default values.

// styling configurations for applying classes and styles to table elements
tableStylingConfig?: Partial<TableStylingConfig>;

// cell editing implementation
tableCellEditConfig?: Partial<CellEdit<T>>;

// implementation for navigating the table with keyboard inputs
tableKeyboardNavigationConfig?: Partial<KeyboardNavigation>;

// implementation for insert and delete actions into the table
tableManipulationConfig?: Partial<TableManipulationConfig>;

// implementation for row expansion functionality
tableRowExpansionConfig?: Partial<RowExpansionConfig>;

// implementation for row selection functionality
tableRowSelectionConfig?: Partial<SelectRow<T>>;
// table container styling
containerStyleObject?: CSSProperties;

// table element styling
tableStyleObject?: CSSProperties;

// table header styling
headerStyleObject?: CSSProperties;

// table body styling
bodyStyleObject?: CSSProperties;

// table outer container class
containerClass?: string;

// table container class
tableContainerClass?: string;

// table header container class
headerContainerClass?: string;

// table body container class
bodyContainerClass?: string;

// table header class
tableHeaderClass?: string;

// table body class
tableBodyClass?: string;
tableCellEditConfig?: Partial\<CellEdit\>

Please see the documentation here


Please see the documentation here

// insert row functionality
insertionSettings: {
    // enable insert functionality
    canInsert?: boolean;
    // method called after row insertion, row data is input parameter
    afterInsert?: (row: any) => void;
deletionSettings: {
    // enable delete functionality
    canDelete?: boolean;
    // method called after row deletion, rowKeys are input parameters
    afterDelete?: (rowKeys: any) => void;
// JSX to show when row is expanded
expandableComponent ? : (row: any) => string | ReactElement;

// method that evaluates whether a row is expandable or not
expandableRow ? : (row: any) => boolean;

// row expansion options
expandColumnOptions: {
    // css width property
    columnWidth: string,
    // enables column expansion and adds expansion indicator
    expandColumnVisible: boolean,
    //If both an indicator column and a selection column are displaying, this specifies whether the indicator column
    // should be shown first. Default is true, false will move the expand indicator column after selection column.
    expandColumnBeforeSelectColumn: boolean,
    // component to show when column is expanded
    expandColumnComponent: (props: ExpandColumnComponentProps): string | ReactElement,
    // defiens component for header column expansion
    expandedColumnHeaderComponent: (props: ExpandedColumnHeaderProps): string | ReactElement

additional docs for column expansion here


Please see the docs here


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago


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4 years ago


4 years ago