1.0.7 • Published 1 year ago
jnext-library-ts v1.0.7
An authentication library for Node.js simplifies the implementation of authentication-related functionalities in your Express applications. It provides tools for managing Sequelize models, creating Express routes, initializing email configurations, and Swagger documentation setup.
npm install jnext-library-ts
1. Setup server connection in your project
import dotenv from 'dotenv';
import express, { Express } from 'express';
import { Sequelize } from 'sequelize';
import * as myLib from 'jnext-library-ts';
// Create an Express application
const app: Express = express();
const sequelize = new Sequelize('dbName', 'root', '', {
dialect: 'mysql',
host: '',
logging: false
// Start the server on port 7000
app.listen(7000, () => {
console.log(`Server is started on port:`, 7000);
2. Create Sequelize Models
Use the getModels
function to retrieve predefined Sequelize models for users, user_meta, and user_roles. The user_roles model is automatically populated with data for the 'user' and 'admin' roles. Additionally, you can dynamically add fields to the user model using createModel()
import { Sequelize } from 'sequelize';
import * as myLib from 'jnext-library-ts';
const sequelize = new Sequelize('dbName', 'root', '', {
dialect: 'mysql',
host: '',
logging: false
myLib.createModel('customUserModel', sequelize, {
// Define additional fields here
filedName: dataType // Datatype should be string. Ex. 'STRING' , 'INTEGER'
3. Create Express Routes
Use the createRoutes
function to fetch API routes from the library for use in your Express application.
import express, { Express } from 'express';
import * as myLib from 'jnext-library-ts';
const router = myLib.createRoutes({ validator: false });
const app: Express = express();
app.use('/', router);
4. Set Environment variables in .env files
PORT: 8000
#JWT comfiguration details
JWT_SECRET: jwtSecretkey
JWT_EXPIRATION_TIME: Expiration time of jwt. Example - 1h
#APIs prefix route to access swagger
#To manage delete APIs functionality. Hard delete or soft delete
#To add/ manage custome templete for email Templetes in request data
#To manage send mail using SMTP or sendmail()
import express, { Express } from 'express';
import Sequelize from 'sequelize';
import * as myLib from 'jnext-library-ts';
const router = myLib.createRoutes({ validator: false });
const sequelize = new Sequelize.Sequelize('authapis', 'root', '', {
dialect: 'mysql',
host: '',
logging: false
myLib.createModel('customUserModel', sequelize, {
// Define additional fields here
const app: Express = express();
app.use('/', router);
app.listen(8000, () => {
console.log(`Server is started on`, 8000);
Additional Details
Types of validations
Type | Description |
string.base | Specifies that the value must be a string. |
number.base | Specifies that the value must be a number. |
boolean.base | Specifies that the value must be a boolean. |
object.base | Specifies that the value must be an object. |
array.base | Specifies that the value must be an array. |
date.base | Specifies that the value must be a date. |
alternatives | Specifies multiple valid alternatives for the value. |
any.required | Specifies that the property is required. |
any.optional | Specifies that the property is optional. |
any.forbidden | Specifies that the property is forbidden. |
any.allow | Specifies the allowed values for the property. |
any.valid | Specifies the valid values for the property. |
any.invalid | Specifies the invalid values for the property. |
any.default | Specifies the default value for the property. |
string.email | Specifies that the string must be a valid email. |
string.min | Specifies the minimum length of the string. |
string.max | Specifies the maximum length of the string. |
number.min | Specifies the minimum value for the number. |
number.max | Specifies the maximum value for the number. |
date.min | Specifies the minimum date for the date. |
date.max | Specifies the maximum date for the date. |
string.pattern | Specifies a regular expression pattern for the string. |
any.when | Specifies conditional validation based on another property. |
any.error | Specifies custom error messages for the property. |
any.label | Specifies a custom label for the property in error messages. |
any.messages | Specifies custom validation error messages. |