jng_framework v1.0.6
Set of features to handle flex grid layouts and JS components
Intended to be required as a CommonJS module
.flex class
Simple display flex shortcut
.row class
Create a row that represent 100% of the container
.row element with data-items attribute
Tells the row element how many items can be flexible accommodate without breaking in another line
<div class="row" "data-items="3">
.col class
Create a display flex column element
.col-1 to col-12 class
Col-X where X is the number of grids which the element will occupy within a row
.center-v class
Align container content vertically (or horizontally if the direction is changed)
.center-h class
Align container content horizontally (or vertically if the direction is changed)
.tap-element class
Touchable element with recommended specifications on mobile view port
.img-responsive class
Does not allow the image element overflow the container
.card class
Simple card element
- Window object injected or present on global
- JSDom (or equivalent) to simualate window object on Node env
Instantiating Framework
npm install jng_framework --save
- from browser
var jngFramework = require("jng_framework")();
- from node
var jsdom = require("jsdom").jsdom,
options = {},
window = jsdom("<html><head></head><body></body></html>", options).defaultView;
var jngFramework = require("jng_framework")(window);
DOM Handler
Set of methods that can handle gracefully DOM manipulations
Exposed as domHandler object
CSS Injector
Methods of domHandler exposed as domHandler.cssInjector(cssFile1, cssFile2)
Accepts an array of filePaths that will create a link element to each file and append it to Head element
Handle duplicated imports
Append Child
Methods of domHandler exposed as domHandler.appendChild(parentEl, childEl)
Accepts a parent target to insert dependencies just a suggar to window.appendChild() to handle errors
Modal Box
A clean implementation of a Modal Box to be fulfilled with a custom HTML template
Exposed as modalBox constructor which will accept a configuration object (TODO)
var modal1 = jngFramework.modalBox();
Method of Modal Box exposed as modal1.openModal({}).
Accept a custom JSON configuration that will customize the modal box (TODO CUSTOMISATIONS)
element.addEventListener("click", function () {
Method of Modal Box exposed as modal1.closeModal().
Closes the modal box cleaning it out the customized HTML and listeners attached on open
closeBtn.addEventListener("click", function () {
Social Box
A simple and responsive box that can be attached to a container element with your social media information
Exposed as socialBox constructor which provide the socialBox object to be further configured
var socialBox = jngFramework.socialBox();
Method of socialBox that will accept three parameters:
- an array of JS object in the format declared below
- a DOM node that will be the parent container
- the side which the socialBox should be appended - accepted "left" or "right"
var socialMedias = [{
"type": "facebook",
"profileLink": "https://www.facebook.com/daniel.abrao.35"
}, {
"type": "github",
"profileLink": "https://github.com/jungleBadger"
}, {
"type": "linkedin",
"profileLink": "https://br.linkedin.com/in/daniel-ceragioli-abrão-92935675"
var socialBoxParent = document.getElementById("parentContainer");
socialBox.renderSocialBox(socialMedias, socialBoxParent, "right");
- Implement traditional HTML script import as Window object
- Unit test
- Library documentation
- Features Demos