1.0.2 • Published 4 years ago

joi-to-sql v1.0.2

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4 years ago

Joi To SQL ⛓️

Create your schemas with Joi, generate your tables with Joi To SQL.

ℹ️ The project only support the strict minimum features about data types and sql options. If you want to improve the library please feel free to pull request. ⌨️

The library architecture and its implemetation have been built in such a way that is easy to iterate it and adding more features support or more databases support.

The SQL builder is made with Knex. The lib currently supports MySQL only.


  • Joi types supported : Date, String, Number, Boolean
  • MySQL Create table options supported : Primary Key, Foreign Keys, AUTO INCREMENT, DEFAULT VALUE, ON DELETE CASCADE, ON UPDATE CASCADE, UNIQUE, NOT NULL


yarn add joi-to-sql


import JoiMySQL, { Engine } from 'joi-to-sql'
const Joi = JoiMySQL(require('@hapi/joi'))

const schema = Joi.object({
    id: Joi.number().required().primaryKey().autoIncrement(),
    username: Joi.string().alphanum().min(3).max(30).required().unique().insensitive(),
    team: Joi.string().required().valid('lord', 'emporor', 'king', 'prince', 'noob').default('noob').insensitive()
    created_at: Joi.date().default('now')
    coins: Joi.number().precision(2).default(0),
    coins_pending: Joi.number().float().default(0),
    email_confirmed: Joi.boolean().default(false),
    email: Joi.string().email({ minDomainSegments: 2, tlds: { allow: ['com', 'net'] } }).unique(),
    device: Joi.number().required().foreignKey('devices', 'id').deleteCascade()
    access_token: Joi.string().guid({version: ['uuidv4']})
    birth_year: Joi.number().min(1900).max(2013),
    card: Joi.string().creditCard(),
    password: Joi.string().pattern(new RegExp('^[a-zA-Z0-9]$')).min(3).max(30),
    repeat_password: Joi.string().pattern(new RegExp('^[a-zA-Z0-9]$')).min(3).max(30),

const engine = new Engine(schema, { table: 'users'})


create table `users` (`id` int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key, `username` varchar(30) not null, `team` enum('lord', 'emporor', 'king', 'prince', 'noob') not null default 'noob', `created_at` datetime default now(), `coins` float(2, 2) default '0', `coins_pending` float(8, 2) default '0', `email_confirmed` boolean default '0', `email` varchar(255), `device` int not null, `access_token` varchar(70), `birth_year` smallint unsigned, `card` varchar(32), `password` varchar(30), `repeat_password` varchar(30));
alter table `users` add unique `user_username_unique`(`username`);
alter table `users` add unique `user_email_unique`(`email`);
alter table `users` add constraint `user_device_foreign` foreign key (`device`) references `devices` (`id`) on delete CASCADE

Joi To Sql extended

  • String (default type: TEXT):

    NameMySQL OptionDescription
    unique()UNIQUEOnly if the string length is clearly or implicitely defined (by using string types like email, creditCard, etc.. from Joi)
    primaryKey()PRIMARY KEY
    required()NOT NULL
    default(value: string)DEFAULT
    foreignKey(reference_table: string, reference_row: string)FOREIGN KEY
    deleteCascade(reference_table: string, reference_row: string)ON DELETE CASCADEworks only if foreignKey is set
    updateCascade(reference_table: string, reference_row: string)ON UPDATE CASCADEworks only if foreignKey is set


  1. min and max are the best way to set the data type of your string in MySQL because length is not detected in your regex if you use pattern.
  2. Specific Joi string types like email, uuid, etc... are correctly supported, no need to set a specific size for them.
  • Number (default type: INT):

| Name | MySQL Option | Description |
| -- | -- | -- |
| float() |`FLOAT` | Specify if the number is a float |
| double() |`DOUBLE` | Specify if the number is a double |
| unique() |`UNIQUE` |  |
| primaryKey() |`PRIMARY KEY` |  |
| required() |`NOT NULL` |  |
| default(value: number) |`DEFAULT ${value}` |  |
| foreignKey(reference_table: string, reference_row: string) |`FOREIGN KEY` |  |
| deleteCascade(reference_table: string, reference_row: string) |`ON DELETE CASCADE` | works only if foreignKey is set |
| updateCascade(reference_table: string, reference_row: string) |`ON UPDATE CASCADE` | works only if foreignKey is set |


  1. min, max, less and greater are the best way to set the data type of your number in MySQL.
  • Date (default type: DATETIME):

    NameMySQL OptionDescription
    primaryKey()PRIMARY KEY
    required()NOT NULL
    default(value: 'now' / number / string)DEFAULT
    foreignKey(reference_table: string, reference_row: string)FOREIGN KEY
    deleteCascade(reference_table: string, reference_row: string)ON DELETE CASCADEworks only if foreignKey is set
    updateCascade(reference_table: string, reference_row: string)ON UPDATE CASCADEworks only if foreignKey is set


  1. timestamp('javascript') is not supported (mysql doesn't store Milliseconds natively), but you can use timestamp('unix').
  • Bool (default type: BOOLEAN):

    NameMySQL OptionDescription
    required()NOT NULL
    default(value: boolean)DEFAULT

Ideas of unsupported features that could become supported :

  • Joi refs
  • Length in regex (with pattern) is not detected
  • CHECK Options on sql create table

4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago