0.3.0-beta.6 β€’ Published 11 months ago

jongleur v0.3.0-beta.6

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11 months ago



Everything you need to animate your react-three-fiber objects

  • Simple and reusable primitives for react-three-fiber animation and orchestration.
  • Lightweight and easy to use.

Use cases (currently) include:

  • Arbitrary timeline for animation of three.js objects
  • Link timelines to scroll

Using Jongleur, you can easily write engaging and interesting landingpages, that stand out, while also supporting a wide variety of devices and browsers as it is based on the fantastic three.js and react-three-fiber.

Getting Started

npm install jongleur # or pnpm add or yarn add

It is best to add jongleur to your already existing react-three-fiber and three.js scene. If you are starting from scratch make sure to install the peer dependencies as well:

npm install react react-dom @react-three/fiber three

If you are using typescript (which is highly recommended), also install that:

npm install --save-dev typescript @types/three


A timeline is a comprised of multiple objects that are animated using a keyframe syntax. Just described how you want the object to be during specific keyframes and the timeline will interpolate the values between them.

The timeline function returns refs, a seek object and the internal api.

import { timeline } from "jongleur";

const [refs, seek, api] = timeline({ first: { position: [0, 0, 0] } }, { first: { 1: { position: [0, 1, 0] } } });

This timeline would animate an object called first from position [0, 0, 0] to [0, 1, 0] over the course of the timeline.

Here are some of the main benefits of using the timeline function:

  • πŸ”’ Fully type safe: Advanced typescript features ensure that all animations are valid
  • 🏎 Performance optimized: Demand-based frameloop is fully supported. Since Jongleur knows your whole animation, only render a new frame if it is really needed.
  • πŸ“’ Single source of truth: Simple maintenance of large scenes
  • ➑️ Progress abstraction: Animations can be driven by scroll, time or other forms of input
  • πŸ–± Scroll Utilities: Create stunning scroll-based interactive sites with a toolbox of React components



The refs returned by the timeline function can be used like regular react ref objects. This makes the animation extremely easy to use and also check if the object satisfies the fields used during the animation.

// This is inside of an react-three-fiber Canvas
const Scene = () => {
  return (
    <mesh ref={refs.first}>
      <boxBufferGeometry />
      <meshStandardMaterial />


Seek is an object, which tracks the current progression. It can be used to seek to a specific point in time or to link the timeline to scroll or other sources of progress.

const ProgressButton = () => {
  const [progress, setProgress] = useState(0);

  return <button onClick={() => (seek.current += 0.05)} />;

seek.current can be updated from anywhere, even outside of the react-three-fiber reconciler.


One option to use the timeline is to link it to scroll. This can be done using the Scroll Components exposed by Jongleur.

import { Suspense } from "react";
import { Scroll } from "jongleur";

const ScrollWrapper = () => {
  return (
    <Suspense fallback={<Loader />}>
      <Scroll.Controls seeker={seek} pages={3}>
        <Scene />

Along side Scroll.Controls also exposes a bunch of useful utilities, like a Scroll Snap (Scroll.Snaps) feature or an equivilant to drei's Html utility (Scroll.Html) together with positioning utilites (Scroll.At), each is explained in the examples below.



If you are experienced with react-three-fiber and want to contribute, you are very welcome to do so. If have created some issues labled "enhancement". To get started with the repository locally, you'll first have to clone the repo and then run the following commands:

pnpm install # we are using so pnpm's workspace feature, so make sure you have pnpm installed
pnpm start:demo

After that you will have a live demo running. This application can be found under apps/demo. It is configured to compile the HMR the source code of the library, so that you see the changes that you make in real-time. Before opening an pr, please make sure that pnpm check still finishes with a 0 exit code.


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