2.1.0 • Published 7 months ago

jquery-quiz v2.1.0

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Last release
7 months ago

jQuery Quiz Plugin

GitHub Release GitHub License

jQuery Quiz is a plugin that allows in a very simple way to create a quiz with questions and answers, using a JSON file that contains all the necessary data.

The data JSON file is loaded via AJAX, when the plugin is initialized. The user's response are saved in a cookie and the quiz is fully navigable through hash in the address bar.


The plugin requires jQuery 3 and Bootstrap 4. Also uses Fontawesome 4.7.0 for icons.


NPM npm install jquery-quiz

Yarn yarn add jquery- quiz

Bower bower install Reload-Lab/jQuery-quiz

Example And Usage

To understand how the plugin works you can take a look at the contents of the example/ directory. In particular to the quiz.json file, which is the quiz data file.

The quiz.json file contains a complete example of the properties that must be passed to the plugin to generate the quiz (intro, questions and answers).

Instead the index.html file contains an example of how to initialize the plugin. You can see the script in action at this url: https://www.reloadlab.it/cantieri/jquery-quiz/example/

To initialize your quiz: 1. Add the stylesheet in the head of your page:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="path/to/quiz/folder/dist/ jquery.quiz.css">
  1. Add the plugin script:
<script src="path/to/quiz/folder/dist/ jquery.quiz.min.js"></script>
  1. Call the quiz method on the DOM element that must contain the quiz:
$(function () {

Available Options

The quiz method accepts only one argument. You can just pass a string, contining a URL to the data JSON file. (You can pass a URL to the data JSON file through the data-quiz-json attribute of the quiz container element). If you want to customize the plugin, you can instead pass several properties to the quiz method via a javascript object.

Below is the complete list of properties that can be set.


quizJsonStringThe property is mandatory and contains the URL to the data JSON file, that contains the quiz questions and answers. Default: null
hidePrevBtnBooleanIf the property is set to true, the user will not be able to go back and change the previously chosen answer. Default: false
hideRestartBtnBooleanIf the property is set to true, the user will not be able to reset the quiz and go back to the beginning to repeat the quiz. Default: false
fadeBooleanIf the property is set to true, an animation will be performed at each step to the next question. Default: true
randomQuestionsBooleanIf the property is set to true, plugin sorts the questions randomly. Default: false
numQuestionsIntegerThe number of questions to load from the question set in the JSON file. Default: null (all questions)
cookieExpireIntegerDuration in seconds of the cookie that contains the responses to the questions choose by the user. If you set the value to -1, no cookies will be saved. Default: 3600


onStepFunctionFunction that is performed before moving on to the next question. The function receives three arguments: step (question number), total (total number of questions) and question (Optional. An array containing the questions with the relative answers given by the user. Property question.__response contains the number of the choose answer)
onResultsFunctionFunction that is performed when the results of the quiz are shown. It can be used to judge the score obtained based on the percentage of correct answers. The function receives three arguments: good (number of right questions), total (total number of questions) and questions (array containing all the questions with the relative answers given by the user. Property questionsn.__response contains the number of the choose answer at the n question)


You can customize the appearance of each step - from the intro page to the summary of the results - setting the following properties of the options object, which is passed as the only argument of the quiz method. The plugin uses a small, but efficient, system for compiling templates. You can see how the script works at this link: https://krasimirtsonev.com/blog/article/Javascript-template-engine-in-just-20-line If you change the templates you may also need to revise the jquery.quiz.css file to align it with your template.


Quiz introduction page template, that could contain a welcome message. The compiler passes to the template the parameters of the intro object present in the data JSON file. Default:

'<div class="quiz_intro">' 
// Quiz title
+ '<h2><%this.title%></h2>' 
// Quiz description
+ '<%if(this.description){%>' 
+ '<p><%this.description%></p>' 
+ '<%}%>' 
// end if
+ '</div>'

Main template of the quiz, which must contain the question and its answers. The questions are presented to the user one at a time. The compiler passes to the template, one at a time, the elements of the questions array present in the data JSON file. Some properties are set by the plugin for its operation. These properties are: question .__ id, question .__ num, answer .__ id, answer._num and answer .__ checked. The RADIO-type INPUT field is mandatory and must contain the two attributes data-quiz-name and data-quiz-value, set respectively on the system uniq id of the question and on that of the answer. Without these attributes the response will not be logged and an exception error will be thrown. Default:

'<div class="' + FLEX_CLASS + '">' 
+ '<div class="' + NUM_CLASS + '">' 
// Quiz num question
+ '<%this.question.__num%>' 
+ '.</div>' 
+ '<div class="' + FLEXFILL_CLASS + '">'
+ '<h2>' 
// Quiz question
+ '<%this.question.question%>' 
+ '</h2>' 
// Quiz question description
+ '<%if(this.question.description){%>' 
+ '<p>' 
+ '<%this.question.description%>' 
+ '</p>' 
+ '<%}%>'
// end if 
// Cycle answers
+ '<%for(var index in this.answers){%>'
+ '<div class="quiz_radiogroup">' 
// Quiz radio
+ '<input type="radio" id="answer-<%this.answers[index].__id%>" ' 
+ 'name="question<%this.question.__id%>" ' 
+ 'value="<%this.answers[index].__id%>" ' 

// This data (quiz-name and quiz-value) are mandatory
+ 'data-quiz-name="quizUID_<%this.question.__id%>" ' 
+ 'data-quiz-value="<%this.answers[index].__id%>"'
// § mandatory

+ '<%this.answers[index].__checked%>>' 
+ '<label for="answer-<%this.answers[index].__id%>"><span></span> ' 
// Answer label
+ '<%this.answers[index].answer%>' 
+ '</label>' 
+ '</div>'
+ '<%}%>' 
// end for
+ '</div>' 
+ '</div>'

Quiz results page template. The compiler passes to the template the questions array present in the data JSON file. Default:

'<div class="' + FLEX_CLASS + '">' 
+ '<div class="' + NUM_CLASS + '">' 
// Quiz num question
+ '<%this.question.__num%>' 
+ '.</div>' 
+ '<div class="' + FLEXFILL_CLASS + '">'
+ '<h2>' 
// Quiz question
+ '<%this.question.question%>' 
+ '</h2>' 
// Quiz question description
+ '<%if(this.question.description){%>' 
+ '<p>' 
+ '<%this.question.description%>' 
+ '</p>' 
+ '<%}%>' 
// end if 
// Answer
+ '<%if(this.answer){%>' 
+ '<div class="' + RESPONSE_CLASS + '">' 
+ '<strong>' 
// Answer num
+ '<%this.answer.__num%>'
+ '.</strong> ' 
// Answer
+ '<%this.answer.answer%>' 
+ '</div>' 
// Correct response
+ '<%if(this.answer.true == 1){%>' 
+ '<div class="' + ALERT_CLASS + ' quiz_success">' 
// Answer alert
+ '<%this.answer.alert%>' 
+ '</div>' 
// Else wrong response
+ '<%} else{%>' 
+ '<div class="' + ALERT_CLASS + ' quiz_fail">' 
// Answer alert
+ '<%this.answer.alert%>' 
+ '</div>'
+ '<%}%>' 
// end if 
+ '<%}%>' 
// end if 
+ '</div>' 
+ '</div>'

Quiz start button template. The compiler passes to the template the messages object relating to the set language. To find out how to create a script localization file see the Localization section. Default:

'<button class="' + BTN_CLASS + '">' 
// Button start
+ '<%this.messages.start%>' 
+ '</button>'

Button template to go back one question. The compiler passes to the template the messages object relating to the set language. To find out how to create a script localization file see the Localization section. Default:

'<button class="' + BTN_CLASS + '">' 
// Button previous
+ '<%this.messages.prev%>' 
+ '</button>'

Button template to go forward a question. The compiler passes to the template the messages object relating to the set language. To find out how to create a script localization file see the Localization section. Default:

'<button class="' + BTN_CLASS + '">' 
// Button next
+ '<%this.messages.next%>' 
+ '</button>'

Button template to go to the quiz results page. The compiler passes to the template the messages object relating to the set language. To find out how to create a script localization file see the Localization section. Default:

'<button class="' + BTN_CLASS + '">' 
// Button go to results
+ '<%this.messages.results%>' 
+ '</button>'

Button template to reset the result and return to the beginning of the quiz. The compiler passes to the template the messages object relating to the set language. To find out how to create a script localization file see the Localization section. Default:

'<button class="' + BTN_CLASS + '">' 
// Button restart
+ '<%this.messages.restart%>' 
+ '</button>'

Bootstrap 4 modal button template to close the alert and return to the start of the quiz. The compiler passes to the template the messages object relating to the set language. To find out how to create a script localization file see the Localization section. Default:

'<button class="' + BTN_CLASS + '" data-dismiss="modal">' 
// Button restart (modal)
+ '<%this.messages.restart%>' 
+ '</button>'

Quiz progress bar template. The compiler passes to the template the progress object, which has three properties: step, total and percent. If the variable is set to false, the Bootstrap 4 progress bar is used. Default: false.


To translate the different buttons and system messages of the plugin, you can use the quiz method directly connected to the jQuery object. The method must be called before the quiz is initialized and can be placed in a file inside the i18n folder.

$.quiz('localization', {
   start: 'Start',
   prev: 'Back',
   next: 'Forward',
   results: 'Go to results',
   restart: 'Back to the top',
   error: 'Error',
   errmsg: [
      'Please choose an answer.',
      'Some questions have not been answered. Please, back to the top to answer all questions..'

Customize the JSON file

Thanks to the flexibility of the compiler, it is possible to add new variables to the template. For example, you can insert an image property in the intro object of the JSON file and show the image by modifying the template in this way:

"intro": {
   "title": "Geography Quiz",
   "description": "Test your geography knowledge with this capital cities quiz",
   "image": "https://pixabay.com/get/gb9e4aac249d049a0f627320ff699b6b81ac95de23a06ee7fcdb956e5031837c4284077c571e19676444ae73b532f4fbbf41f06af9a4364782359828124edd3630eadb15db44a51323855089376b0bcdd_1920.jpg"
'<div class="quiz_intro">' 
// Quiz title
+ '<h2><%this.title%></h2>' 
// Quiz image
+ '<%if(this.image){%>' 
+ '<img class="quiz_intro_image" src="<%this.image%">' 
+ '<%}%>' 
// end if
// Quiz description
+ '<%if(this.description){%>' 
+ '<p><%this.description%></p>' 
+ '<%}%>' 
// end if
+ '</div>'

Standard HTML elements like images, videos embeds, headers, paragraphs, etc., can be used within text properties like question, answer and alert.

"question": "The Question? <img src='path/to/image.png' />",
"description": null,
"answers": [{
	"answer": "Hungary",
	"alert": "<strong>Correct!</strong>",
	"true": 1
	"answer": "Slovenia",
	"alert": "<strong>Wrong!</strong> Budapest is the capital of Hungary.",
	"true": 0
	"answer": "Slovakia",
	"alert": "<strong>Wrong!</strong> Budapest is the capital of Hungary.",
	"true": 0


The plugin automatically sets a css class on the root element of the quiz with id quiz-container. This css class is modified at each step and contains a reference to the question displayed (for example step_intro, step_1, step_2, ..., step_results). In this way it is possible to customize the appearance of each question through the stylesheets.

Created by Domenico Gigante - Reload Laboratorio Multimediale, Rome, IT