0.2.0 • Published 8 years ago

jquery-tiny-pubsub-trace v0.2.0

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Last release
8 years ago


If you use jquery-tiny-pubsub, you may sometimes, for the purpose of debugging, want to trace all its events as they are subscribed and published, and also as the callbacks are called.

This package is a very simple-minded hack for that purpose but hopefully someone will still find it useful.


It contains a single Javascript file, jquery-tiny-pubsub-trace.js. You should include it after jquery-tiny-pubsub to override its functions. You probably want to include it only when debugging if you are keen on performance.


All messages are printed using console.log() unless trace is set to true in the code, in which case console.trace is called.

If you set debug to false, it will behave just like the original Tiny Pub/Sub, with possibly some performance hit.

In order not to log certain events, add patterns to the variable excludePatterns in the source. For example,

excludePatterns = ['move.*fin', 'Coord'];

then event IDs such as "cursor_move_34_fin" and "DataCoordChanged" will be ignored.