1.0.4 • Published 10 years ago

jquery.allowed-chars v1.0.4

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Last release
10 years ago

jQuery Allowed Chars - simple plugin

Build Status

jQuery plugin to restrict users for typing only allowed chars for specified element.

This library requires jQuery to be loaded.


Include jQuery library and the jquery.allowed-chars.js file.

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="dist/jquery.allowed-chars.js"></script>

Download plugin from jQuery Plugins

You can download jQuery Allowed Chars simple plugin from jQuery Plugins here: http://plugins.jquery.com/jquery.allowed-chars/

Install with Bower

Install and manage jQuery Allowed Chars simple plugin using Bower.

$ bower install jquery.allowed-chars

Install with NPM

Install and manage jQuery Allowed Chars simple plugin using NPM.

$ npm install jquery.allowed-chars


You can use CDNJS for this plugin on following link: http://www.cdnjs.com/libraries/jquery.allowed-chars

Usage Example

In our HTML code we have 4 inputs:

Only integer chars [0123456789]: 
<input type='text' id="default"/>

Custom chars [a, B, 1, {space}, _]: 
<input type='text' id="custom"/>

RegExp [/\d/] -- only integers: 
<input type='text' id="regexp" />

Custom chars [A, b, s, D] not case sensitive, full options: 
<input type='text' id="full" />

So, to restrict input values to integers for input with id default use:

// by default plugin allows only numerical characters: 0123456789

For a custom allowed char list, pass the string with chars as parameter:

// you can specify a different list of allowed characters,
// for example [a, B, 1, {space}, _]
// list is by default case sensitive
$('#custom').allowedChars('aB1 _');

You can also use a regular expression to restrict input values:

// you can use regular expressions
// \d - only integers allowed

You can also pass an object with options for plugin initialization:

// you can pass object with options.
// For example, a list of allowed chars, without case sensitivity check
    allowed: 'AbsD',
    caseSensitive: false

Be aware that caseSensitive option does not affect work of plugin if you use regular expressions.

Here you can read more about regular expressions in javascript: http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_obj_regexp.asp


You can run demo on JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/fosco/55XLd/


Copyright (C) 2014 Pavlo Voznenko and other contributors.

Distributed under the MIT License.