0.2.0 • Published 9 years ago

jquery.circular v0.2.0

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Last release
9 years ago


No! Not yet another fraking carousel library!

— Here, grab that circular cookie.

Oh? All right then.

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jquery.circular is a carousel backend library, targeted at front-end developers.

If you are:

  • looking for a fully customizable, KISS carousel library
  • tired of tweaking (as in, re-writing) conceptually closed jQuery libraries
  • unwilling to waste time implementing your own carousel backend, though

then, this may be of some interest to you.

Default settings

  • 4s display per slide
  • 1s fade-in/out transition between slides
  • starts on first slide (id == 0)

All of this is overridable. It supports defining custom transitions, provides hooks to interfer with the carousel during its lifecycle, exposes clean public and internal APIs.

Don't fancying the default fade-in/out effect? Want something more edge-casy? Like, say…

  • sliding horizontally movie trailers' slides
  • while altering opacity
  • while allowing to fade to a video, fullscreen, upon clicking a slide
  • not forgetting to pause the carousel until it's resumed (closed the video)
  • while monitoring in real-time some trailer API so as to be able to feed the carousel in with the most recent additions

It's straightforward: just wire things up, leveraging circular's backbone (its API, hooks and events).



with .wannabe-carousel, a container for some slides and slide's controls.

It could be of the following shape:

    %li.slide(data-id: 0)
      -# first slide's content
    %li.slide(data-id: 1)
      -# second slide's content
    %li.control(data-id: 0)
      -# first slide's control
    %li.control(data-id: 1)
      -# second slide's control

If the carousel's structure changes during its lifecycle (adding/removing slides…), one must re-create the circular instance. This may change in the future (adding/removing slides and controls).



Defines what maps to a slide. It is a jQuery selector resolved within the container, so actually it could be anything within your 'body' if you'd like to.

It is expected to be associated a data-attribute, data-id, with a unique slide id within the slides set.

Default: '.slides .slide'


Defines what maps to a slide's control. Same as for aSlide.

It is expected to be associated a data-attribute data-id matching one of the id provided by a slide from the matching slides set.

Default: '.controls .control'


In milliseconds, the duration of the transition.

It will be passed as delay to any custom animation function.

Default: 1000


In milliseconds, the duration of display.

Default: 4000


Whether to skip animations when jumping to a slide using a control.

Actually, this sets the delay parameter available to animations callbacks to the value 0. Callbacks are free to implement any custom logic in this case.

Default: false


Whether to pause the carousel when hovered.

It binds to the container. To implement custom behavior, bind to whatever you'd like using the pause() and resume() functions from the API.

Default: false


Defines which data-id to begin with.

Default: 0


Whether to start running the carousel when initialized.

Default: true


A hook for you to interfer with the carousel before it gets started.

Called at initialization time, just before start() (that is, will be called even if autoStart is false).


  • currentSlide: the current slide's descriptor (see below)
  • $slides: jQuery selector for the slides set

Default: empty hook

effects: in|out

Implement custom animations for the transitions.

A transition between two slides occurs in a fixed fashion (at least for the time being): the current slide "moves away", then the next slide "comes in". In the default implementation, those two events are schedulded so that the slide that "comes in" waits for the slide that "moves away" to effectively vanish, in a fade out/fade in animation. The scheduling is enforced by promises.

One can override the effects for the "moves away" (effects.out) and "comes in" (effects.in) animations, as long as the implementations are exposed wrapped in deferrables exposing a promise() accessor (in the same way that jQuery's Deferred API is designed).

Implementations must be functions returning functions. They receive delay, the transition delay from the settings, as their sole argument, and the inner functions are to be executed in the context of the moving slide (that is, the "current slide" while it's moving away, and the "next slide" while it's coming in).

Promises allow for custom scheduling. The general idea is that effects.in will be called once effects.out is resolved. Some events are fired when promises are resolved as well. This is flexible enough to allow basically any scheduling, such as concurrent animations, delayed animations, or even reversed animations with a little more work.

For instance, to provide horizontal sliding/fading animations, using a Backbone View and some CoffeeScript just because we can (and for a greater expressiveness/length ratio):

class Carousel extends Backbone.View
  render: ->
      beforeStart: @prepare
        out: @slideOut
        in: @slideIn
  # Prepare the carousel for our custom transition effect, that is,
  # horizontal sliding where order does not matter.
  prepare: (currentSlide, $slides) =>
    w = currentSlide.slide.width()
    h = currentSlide.slide.height()
    # Set dimensions of the carousel's container, for slides will be
    # in absolute position.
      height: "#{h}px"
      overflow: 'hidden'
    # Move all slides to the right, but the first one.
    $slides.css _({position: 'absolute'}).extend(@pos(w))
    currentSlide.slide.css @pos(0)
  # A slide must go away. It's currently visible, let's slide it horizontally
  # to the left, then reset its position to the right.
  # Note: the surrounding deferred allows to decouple the sliding effect from
  # the transition lifecycle. In our custom transition effect, we want the
  # next slide to slide in *right away*, not until after the current slide has
  # slided out completely.
  slideOut: (delay) =>
    carousel = @
    processing = $.Deferred()
      w = $(@).width()
      cssStep1 = _(carousel.pos(w, true)).extend({opacity: 0.2})
      cssStep2 = _(carousel.pos(w)).extend({opacity: 1})
      $(@).animate(cssStep1, delay)
          .promise().done -> $(@).css(cssStep2)

  # A slide must be displayed. It's currently hidden to the right, let's slide
  # it horizontally to the original position.
  slideIn: (delay) =>
    carousel = @
      $(@).animate(carousel.pos(0), delay)

  # Where to place a slide, using left/right offsets.
  # A "lefty" slide is to be positionned on the left side of the
  # carousel's container, a "righty" one (default case)… on
  # the right side.
  pos: (offset, lefty = false) ->
    if offset == 0
      left: 0
      right: 0
    else if lefty
      left: "-#{offset}px"
      right: "#{offset}px"
      left: "#{offset}px"
      right: "-#{offset}px"

$ ->
  carousel = new Carousel
    el: $('.wannabe-carousel').get(0)

Hopefully this cumbersome example makes it more obvious how to use circular's API to implement custom behavior, while relying on its core loop implementation to orchestrate the carousel's lifecycle.


jquery.circular provides a few events you can bind to. Most of them return slide objects. Those "slides" are actually returned as slides descriptors (not DOM nodes per se): those are objects of the following shape (also see the current() method of the API described in the next section):

  id: Integer,                      // current slide's id
  slide: jQuery.fn.jQuery.init[1],  // a jQuery matcher for the current slide
  control: jQuery.fn.jQuery.init[1] // a jQuery matcher for the current slide's control

All callbacks take an optional last argument, which is the jQuery matcher you are binding to ($(this), that is). This may come in handy if you change the callback's scope, for whatever reason. For the sake of simplicity, this last argument is not shown in the code examples below.


Triggered when the carousel starts.

$('.wannabe-carousel').on('circular:init', function() {
  // sit and watch


Triggered by the default implementation of jumpTo() (see API below).

$('.wannabe-carousel').on('circular:jumped', function(event, newSlide, prevSlide) {
  // newSlide is the newly active slide
  // prevSlide is the former active slide


Triggered when a slide has been selected, either when a automated transition occurs or when a manual selection was performed/triggered.

This event fires in between the transition's animation (typically, before the selected slide "fades" in, and after the previously active slide has "fade" out).

$('.wannabe-carousel').on('circular:selected', function(event, slide) {
  // slide is the selected slide


Triggered when the active slide is about to become inactive and replaced by another slide.

$('.wannabe-carousel').on('circular:fading', function(event, prevSlide, nextSlide) {
  // prevSlide is the "fading" slide
  // nextSlide is the slide about to become the selected one


Triggered when a slide has completed its animation of "fading" out.

$('.wannabe-carousel').on('circular:faded', function(event, newSlide, prevSlide) {
  // newSlide is the new active, visible slide
  // prevSlide is the former active slide


Triggered when a slide has been selected and has been made visible, after the transition's animation.

$('.wannabe-carousel').on('circular:faded', function(event, newSlide, prevSlide) {
  // newSlide is the new active, visible slide
  // prevSlide is the former active slide


Triggered when an attempt to transitioning to the currently active slide has been made.

The transition is invalid (nothing happpens), but this special event is fired to notify about the attempt.

$('.wannabe-carousel').on('circular:toSelf', function(event, slide) {
  // slide is the selected slide


Triggered when the carousel has been paused by calling pause().

$('.wannabe-carousel').on('circular:paused', function(event, currentSlide) {
  // the carousel was paused on currentSlide


Triggered when the carousel has been resumed by calling resume().

$('.wannabe-carousel').on('circular:resumed', function(event, currentSlide) {
  // the carousel was resumed, starting from currentSlide

Public API


Inits the carousel. It should not be called more than once, and will actually be ran automatically when calling .circular() on a jQuery matcher.


Returns the slides set as a jQuery selector.



Returns the slides' controls set as a jQuery selector.



Returns the current slide's DOM element.



Returns the DOM element for the current slide's control.



Returns both current slide and current slide's control DOM elements as an object, under the slide and control properties respectively.



Pauses the carousel, if currently running.



Resumes the carousel, if not currently running.



  • arguments: event[, id]

This is an event handler implementing the business logic involved when jumping to a specific slide. By default, it relies on a default implementation that can be overriden, although it will probably just be fine in most cases.

Bind events to the jumpTo handler to add custom interactions support. It expects the DOM element you bind to to provide an id data-attribute matching the slide's id you want to jump to, but in case this is not possible, an explicit id can be passed as the second argument.

This callback will not resume the carousel if it has been paused.

// Why not enabling transitioning to the fourth slide by hovering (default: clicking) its control?
$('.slide-control[data-id="3"]').on('hover', $('.wannabe-carousel').circular('jumpTo'))

// let's say we are able to pick a random number among the slides indexes, and
// are willing to crazy-jump to it each time a div is clicked:
$('body').on('click', 'div', function() {
  id = getRandomSlideId()
  $('.wannabe-carousel').circular('jumpTo', id);


Checks whether the carousel booted and is alive and well.



Checks whether the carousel's internal loop is running.


About this plugin

What it is trying not to do

  • Make unfair assumptions about your DOM tree
  • Be overall complicated
  • Provide styles, pictures…

What it is trying to do

  • KISS
  • Simple code so that one can hack on
  • Use a convention over configuration approach, but remain fully tweakable
  • Modern patterns (proper jQuery Plugin's API, Deferred-based architecture, maybe generator-based at some point…)

On the roadmap

  • Allow the slides and the controls to be anywhere in the DOM (fully data-* based), removing any unfair assumption about your DOM tree
  • Some more events (started, stopped, maybe paused/resumed)
  • Some hooks (beforeStart, beforeStop, things like that)
  • A demo page with examples and a nice design!

When this is implemented, release 0.1.0 and start using SemVer.

See TODO.md for other ideas.


MIT (see circular.coffee for details and credits/authorship).