0.6.10 • Published 7 years ago

jquery.pep.js v0.6.10

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Last release
7 years ago

Kinetic drag for mobile & desktop.

Demos and more at http://pep.briangonzalez.org.


NPM (recommended)

npm install jquery.pep.js --save


bower install jquery.pep

Getting Started

Getting started is simple: include jQuery, include pep, then:

$('.pep').pep(); // yup, that simple.


Pep has many options. Here they are in their entirety, with their defaults. Need a little help? Just ask.

initiatefunction(){}≘ touchstart/mousedown called when first touch / click event is triggered on the object
startfunction(){}called when dragging starts; when dx or dy are greater than startThreshold[0] or startThreshold[1]
dragfunction(){}≘ touchmove/mousemove called continuously while the object is dragging
stopfunction(){}≘ touchend/mouseup called when dragging stops
easingfunction(){}called while object is easing
restfunction(){}called after dragging stops, and object has come to rest
moveTofalsecustom method to override the default moveTo functionality.
callIfNotStarted['stop', 'rest']if object has not moved outside of the startThreshold, call either the user-provided stop or rest fxn's anyway, or call both
startThreshold[0,0]how far past should the object move in the x,y direction before user 'start' function is called
grid[0,0]define an x,y grid for the object to move along
revertfalserevert back to initial position
revertAfterstoprevert after given event - 'stop' or 'ease'
revertIffunction(){ return true; }return false / true from this function to conditionally revert an object
droppablefalseCSS selector that this element can be dropped on, false to disable
droppableActiveClass'pep-dpa'class to add to active droppable parents, default to pep-dpa (droppable parent active); inspect this.activeDropRegions within each function for valuable info
overlapFunctionfalseoverride pep's default overlap function; takes two args: a & b and returns true if they overlap
cssEaseStringcubic-bezier(0.190, 1.000, 0.220, 1.000)get more css ease params from http://matthewlein.com/ceaser/
cssEaseDuration750how long should it take (in ms) for the object to get from stop to rest?
constrainTofalseconstrain object to 'window' or 'parent' or [top, right, bottom, left]; works best w/ useCSSTranslation set to false
axisnullconstrain object to either 'x' or 'y' axis
debugfalseshow debug values and events in the lower-righthand corner of page
activeClass'pep-active'class to add to the pep element while dragging
multiplier1+/- this number to modify to 1:1 ratio of finger/mouse movement to el movement
velocityMultiplier1.9+/- this number to modify the springiness of the object as your release it
shouldPreventDefaulttruein some cases, we don't want to prevent the default mousedown/touchstart on our Pep object, your call
allowDragEventPropagationtrueset to false to stop drag events from bubbling up through the DOM tree
stopEvents''space delimited set of events which programmatically cause the object to stop
hardwareAcceleratetrueapply the CSS3 silver bullet method to accelerate the pep object: http://indiegamr.com/ios6-html-hardware-acceleration-changes-and-how-to-fix-them/
useCSSTranslationtrueuse CSS transform translations as opposed to top/left
disableSelecttrueapply user-select: none (CSS) to the object
removeMarginstrueremove margins for better object placement
shouldEasetruedisable/enable easing
placetruebypass pep's object placement logic
deferPlacementfalsedefer object placement until start event occurs
forceNonCSS3MovementfalseDO NOT USE: this is subject to come/go. Use at your own risk
elementsWithInteraction'input'valid CSS/jQuery selector for elements within the Pep object that should allow user interaction, and thus propagate to allow movement
ignoreRightClicktruestart event will be ignored if triggered by a right click
startPos{ left: null, top: null }set the default left/top coordinate to position the object with on load
useBoundingClientRectfalseuse getBoundingClientRect() to retrieve element dimensions instead of jQuery's .outerWidth() & .outerHeight() (useful when your element is scaled via CSS transforms)


// Toggle functionality of all Pep objects on the page

// Explicitly disable all Pep objects on the page

// Explicitly enable all Pep objects on the page

// Unbind Pep completely from the object
var $pep = $('.pep');
$pep.pep();               // bind
$.pep.unbind( $pep );     // unbind
$pep.pep();               // bind

Class applications

The following classes are applied corresponding to events that are happening on the pep object:

  • pep-active -- applied when initiate event is triggered; removed when ease has finished
  • pep-start -- applied when start event is triggered; removed when stop event occurs
  • pep-ease -- applied when stop event is triggered; removed when ease has finished

A note on droppable option

There is a convenience object within the context of each function pep makes available (drag, rest, ease, etc.) called activeDropRegions, which is an array of jQuery objects that the pep object is currently "over".


  droppable:   '.drop-target',
  drag: function(ev, obj){
    console.log('There are ' + this.activeDropRegions.length + 'active drop regions.')
  revert: true,
  revertIf: function(ev, obj){
    return !this.activeDropRegions.length;


Brian Gonzalez


Pep includes at least partial support for most browsers, dating back to IE6.


Pep is licensed under the MIT License


7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago