4.0.2 • Published 6 years ago

js-hierarchy v4.0.2

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6 years ago


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Proper hierarchy management for Node, Typescript and the Browser.


js-hierarchy enables you to build tree-like data structures and work with them properly. It supports walking in multiple directions, storage of arbitrary data and can be used as a base framework for your special needs.



Install the module using npm:

npm install --save js-hierarchy

If you're using Typescript, you might want to add the following typings:

npm install @types/bluebird @types/loglevel @types/node --save-dev

Basic usage


The module includes the complete type definitions for Typescript applications. Simply install the module and you're ready to go:

import {SimpleNode} from 'js-hierarchy';

let rootNode: SimpleNode = new SimpleNode('nodeName');


After installing the module, use it with require():

var hierarchy = require('js-hierarchy');

var rootNode = new hierarchy.SimpleNode('nodeName');


Install the module and include the browser script:

<script type="text/javascript" src="node_modules/js-hierarchy/browser.min.js"></script>

or use the jsDelivr CDN hosted version:

<script type="text/javascript" src="//cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/js-hierarchy/browser.min.js"></script>

With this the global namespace will include a "jshierarchy" object:

var rootNode = new jshierarchy.SimpleNode('nodeName');

After that, everything's right as working in Node.js.

Building the hierarchy

The tree-like data structures, that js-hierarchy can build are build up from "Nodes". There can be several implementations of the Node interface, but the simplest one is called "SimpleNode".

Just instantiate it to create a new node and give it a name:

rootNode = new SimpleNode('nodeName');

If a node has no parent, it is considered the "root node". A node can include a number of children, obviously. Simply use the "addChild"- method to add one:

rootNode = new SimpleNode('nodeName');
rootNode.addChild(new SimpleNode('childNodeName'));

Adding the child will automatically set the child's parent to the node it was added to.

Storing arbitrary data

Because nodes without any information aren't quite useful, js-hierarchy supports storing arbitrary data in a key/value manner.

To add a new data to a node, use the method "setData":

rootNode = new SimpleNode('nodeName');
rootNode.setData('mykey', 'myvalue');

You can also directly set the data when instantiating the node:

rootNode = new SimpleNode('nodeName', {'mykey': 'myValue'});

Use "getData" to retrieve node data again later:

rootNode = new SimpleNode('nodeName', {'mykey': 'myValue'});
// will output: myValue

Walking the tree

Most tree-like structures are used to store hierarchical data and walk the tree from one node to the upper, lower or sibling nodes.

The "walk" method of a node will just do that and call a user defined function on each node it encounters. Please note, that only the directions traversing the tree vertically (Down, Up, and RootDown) will call the action on the original node.

rootNode = new SimpleNode('nodeName', {'testkey': 'value'});
childNode = new SimpleNode('childNodeName', {'testkey': 'childvalue'});
childNode.addChild(new SimpleNode('grandChildNodeName', {'testkey': 'grandChildvalue'}));

rootNode.walk(Direction.up, (node) => {
    return Bluebird.resolve();
// will output 'value', 'childvalue' and 'grandChildvalue'

Please look at this example tree:

      +                             | grandchild 3.1 |
      |                             +-------^--------+
down  |                                     |
      |                                     |
      |                                     |
      |                                     |
      |     +---------+  +---------+   +----+----+
      v     | child 1 |  | child 2 |   | child 3 |
            +---^-----+  +----^----+   +----^----+
      ^         |             |             |
      |         |             |             |
      |         |   <----+    |   +----->   |
 up   |         |    left     |    right    |
      |         |             |             |
      |         |             |             |
      |         |          +--+---+         |
      +         +----------+ root +---------+

Now, these directions are available:

  • up: Walks through all child nodes. Then to their child nodes and so on until no node is available anymore (from root to child 1-3 to grandchild)
  • down: Walks to the parent node, then the next parent node and so on until the root node is reached. (from grandchild to child 1-3 to root)
  • left: Walks all siblings (the parent node's children) from the current node to the left (children having a smaller array index) until the first node is reached (from child2 to child1)
  • right: Walks all siblings (the parent node's children) from the current node to the right (children having a larger array index) until the last node is reached (from child2 to child3)
  • rootUp: Walks the same way "up" would go, but will only call the action function on its way up. For example, when called from grandchild 3.1, the action function will encounter "root" first, then "child3" and finally "grandchild 3.1".

You can also specify an array of directions, meaning that, after the last node has been reached in the first direction, the next direction is walked and so on.

The walk method runs asynchronously using Promises in the Bluebird implementation.

Thus, the walker returns a fulfilled promise, if every node was walked. Also, the supplied user function has to return a promise.


If you need a specialized nodes with functions suitable for your usage, you should extend "AbstractNode" and implement "Node". AbstractNode already has all needed features, so you can just concentrate on the needed features without caring about the basic ones.

Please read the API documentation for details.


To test and build this package, simply use grunt:

grunt release

This will run all unit tests and a coverage report.


First of all: Thank you for your will to contribute!

To request a new feature or report a bug, please create a github issue.

Pull requests are always welcome!

If you can, please submit a pull request adding the feature or solving the bug you just reported.

While developing for your pull request, please first create a test, that produces your error or checks your new feature, run the test suite using

grunt test

to see them fail. Then, solve the bug or implement the feature and run the tests once again to see them succeed. Please write good tests and keep the coverage up.

We will review the pull request and optionally comment your code and probably ask you to fix one or two things, before we can merge your code.

Browser compatibility tests

Browser compatibility tests are run using SauceLabs. To run them, first add this line to your local hosts file: saucelabs.test

Then, when running grunt browsertest, set these two environment variables:

SAUCE_USERNAME=<your SauceLabs username>
SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY=<your SauceLabs access key>

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