0.0.0 • Published 2 years ago

js-json-schema-form v0.0.0

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Last release
2 years ago


Library for converting JsonSchema to Form in field validation (for JS)

Vanilla JS

📦 Installation

npm i js-json-schema-form

Or client-side usage

save locally the files from the /lib-to-connect

// reset pinia errors and library vue@3.3.2 (dev)
<script src="lib-to-connect/common.js"></script>
// copy /dist/schema-form.umd.js
<script src="lib-to-connect/schema-form.umd.js"></script>
// styles
<link rel="stylesheet" href="lib-to-connect/style.css">

Getting Started

import module

import SchemaForm from "~/vue3-json-schema-form/dist/schema-form.es.js";
import "~/vue3-json-schema-form/dist/style.css";

const app = document.getElementById("app");
const json = {
	"title": "My Json Schema",
	"type": "object",
	"properties": { "name": { "title": "Имя", "type": "string" } }
const formData = { name: "Default Name" };
const props = { schema: json, formData }

window.createSchemaForm(app, props);
const app = document.getElementById("app");
const json = {
	"title": "My Json Schema",
	"type": "object",
	"properties": { "name": { "title": "Имя", "type": "string" } }
const formData = { name: "Default Name" };
const props = { schema: json, formData }
window.createSchemaForm(app, props);

schema JSON parameters:

properties - An Object with entity fields of the form

  • type - field value type ("object" or "array" or "string" or "boolean" or "number")
  • title - the output title of the field/node
  • description - the output description of the field/node
  • default - default value
  • properties - only for type="object". This is an object with the same fields as the parent: type, title, properties, items, etc.
  • items - only for type="array", This is an object describing an element of the form array, which has the same fields as the parent: type, title, properties, items, etc.

  • validation - validation field/node:

    • required - Boolean. Is it necessary to fill in field/node
    • minimum / maximum - limiting the value for numbers
    • minlength / maxlength - limitation of the allowed number of characters
    • hardValue - fixed mandatory value
  • ui:
    • inputType:
      • all built-in input types (view here)
      • "select"
      • "textarea"
    • draggable - Boolean. Only for inputType="file" - Drag and Drop
    • autofocus - Boolean
    • placeholder - String
    • description - String. Description of the input under the heading
    • mask - input mask ({ mask: "+7(000)000-00-00", lazy: true }) (use vue-imask library)
  • customErrors - Object, in which the keys are the type of error from the validation field, and the value of the field is the text of the custom error
  • enum - Array with a list of possible values (for types "radio", "checkbox", "select")

    • ["val-1"] - a one-dimensional array with values. Then the value and the label of the element will be the same
    • [{ caption: "one", value: 1, disabled: true }] - multidimensional array, where caption, value are specified specifically
  • grid - Object - custom item position in the grid

    • column(optional parameter) - Number - occupied column (on all screen resolutions)
    • row(optional parameter) - Number - occupied row (on all screen resolutions)
    • media(optional parameter) - Object of type { "768": { column: 1, row: 2 } } (the key is the width of the screen above which it will be applied value (768+)). media permissions can be as many as you want. Has a higher priority than grid.column or grid.row

Notes 1) What you need to get radio, checkbox, select:

  • for the radio list, it is necessary that the node has the field enum: [], and the type is string || number || boolean (if there is the default field, then, of the corresponding type "default": "foo")
  • for the list of checkboxes it is necessary that the node has the field enum: [], and the type is array (if there is the default field, then, of the corresponding type "default": ["foo", "bar"])
  • for the list of options select-a it is necessary that the node has the field enum: [] and the field "ui":{"inputType":"select"}. If its type is array, then it is a multiple-choice selector, if type with the value string||number|| boolean, then it is a regular select
  • if you forget to specify the enum field, it will be a completely different type of node

2) Toggle

  • for a standard toggler, you only need to specify "type": "boolean" ("default": true/false)