0.1.1 • Published 7 years ago

js-library-travis-ci v0.1.1

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7 years ago

Travis Deploy Example

Example of using Travis CI to automatically publish your packages to npm, using:

Setting NPM_AUTH_TOKEN environment variable

To be able to install private packages and to publish on your behalf, Travis CI needs your npm deploy token. After logging into npm, this token can be found in your ~/.npmrc file.

Once you fetch your token, set this as an environment variable in Travis CI called NPM_AUTH_TOKEN:

Configuration Travis CI for Deployment

The .travis.yml included in this repository automatically publishes to npm, if tests pass for any git tags that you push to GitHub. Here are the pertinent lines in the .travis.yml to support this:

  provider: npm
  email: ben@npmjs.com
  api_key: $NPM_TOKEN
    tags: true

That's all there is to it!

Commit Format

Deciding on what version to bump your package is a hassle; did I add a feature since I last released, was it just patches? This demo uses standard-version to solve this problem.

When making commits, simply follow these commit standards:


git commit -a -m "fix: fixed a bug in our parser"


git commit -a -m "feat: we now have a parser \o/"

breaking changes:

git commit -a -m "feat: introduces a new parsing library
BREAKING CHANGE: new library does not support foo-construct"

other changes:

You decide, e.g., docs, chore, etc.

Publishing Your Package From Travis CI

When you're ready to have Travis CI publish a new version of your package to npm:

  • npm run release, this will look at your commit history, and use standard-version to: bump the version #, create a tag, and update your CHANGELOG.
  • git push --follow-tags origin master, this will push the tag up to GitHub and kick off a build on Travis CI which will publish your module once it succeeds.

That's all there is to it, it's literally magic.