1.1.1 • Published 7 years ago

jsdoc-plugin-suitescript v1.1.1

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7 years ago

JSDoc SuiteScript Plugin

Adds tag definitions for several SuiteScript-related tags. Includes a template based on the JSDoc default template.

Example of generated output that uses all tags


Install the npm package:

npm i jsdoc-plugin-suitescript

The tag definitions and default template are automatically copied to the local jsdoc module folder via npm's postinstall script.

Add the plugin to your JSDoc configuration:

    "plugins": ["plugins/suitescript"]

If you use a JSDoc template other than the default, you can copy the relevant files from node_modules/jsdoc/templates/default/tmpl/ to your own template folder.



  • @gov


@governance <Number|String>

@gov <Number|String>


The @governance tag is used to document the NetSuite governance usage of a function. The usage can be in the form of a Number or a text formula describing the necessary calculation.


In the following example, the documented function performs a single search, which uses 10 governance units.

 * Performs a transaction search
 * @governance 10
function doSearch() {
    return nlapiSearchRecord('transaction') || [];

In the following example, the documented function submits each custom record in a given list, which uses 4 governance units per record.

 * Submits each record in the given list
 * @governance (4 * n), where n is the number of records in the given list
function saveRecords(records) {
    if (!records.length) { return; }
    records.forEach(function (rec) { nlapiSubmitRecord(rec); });



@NApiVersion <version>

version can be any of:

  • 1.0
  • 2.0
  • 2.x
  • 2.X


The @NApiVersion tag is used to document the SuiteScript version used by a script file or module. It can serve as a defense against future incompatible versions of SuiteScript (versions 3.x and higher) attempting to load it.


In the following example, a 2.0 Client Script module is documented.

 * A sample Client script module
 * @NApiVersion 2.x
 * @NModuleScope Public
 * @NScriptType ClientScript
define(["N/search"], function (s) {

    var exports = {};
    // ...



@NModuleScope <scope>

scope can be any of:

  • SameAccount
  • TargetAccount
  • Public


The @NModuleScope tag is used to document the access level of a SuiteScript module.

  • If the value is set to SameAccount, access to the module is limited to other modules from the same bundle, and modules native to the same source account or sandbox environment. Source code is not hidden at runtime.
  • If the value is set to TargetAccount, access to the module is limited to other modules from the same bundle, and modules native to the same source account, target account, or sandbox environment. Source code is hidden at runtime.
  • If the value is set to Public, any script in the account can load and use the module. Source code is hidden at runtime.


In the following example, a 2.0 Client Script module is documented such that it is only visible to modules native to the same account.

 * A sample Client script module only visible to the same account or sandbox
 * @NApiVersion 2.0
 * @NModuleScope SameAccount
 * @NScriptType ClientScript
define(["N/search"], function (s) {

    var exports = {};
    // ...



@NScriptType <scriptType>

scriptType can be any of:

  • BundleInstallationScript
  • ClientScript
  • MapReduceScript
  • MassUpdateScript
  • Portlet
  • Restlet
  • ScheduledScript
  • Suitelet
  • UserEventScript
  • WorkflowActionScript


The @NScriptType tag is used to document the type of Script record a SuiteScript module represents.


In the following example, a 2.0 Client Script module is documented.

 * A sample Client script module only visible to the same account or sandbox
 * @NApiVersion 2.X
 * @NModuleScope TargetAccount
 * @NScriptType ClientScript
define(["N/search"], function (s) {

    var exports = {};
    // ...

7 years ago


7 years ago


8 years ago