1.1.0 • Published 4 years ago

json-api-error v1.1.0

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Last release
4 years ago


JSON API Errors is a collection of popular errors which is format under of JSON API Specification. More detailed in here

Getting Started


The easiest way to install json-api-error is using NPM. If you have Node.js installed, it is most likely that you have NPM installed as well.

$ npm install json-api-error


At the current implementation, json-api-error support the following common errors

  • BadRequestError
  • UnauthorizedError
  • MalformedError
  • ForbiddenError
  • NotFoundError
  • MethodNotAllowedError
  • NotAcceptableError
  • RequestTimeoutError
  • UnsupportedMediaTypeError
  • InternalError
  • NotImplementedError
  • BadGatewayError
  • ServiceUnavailableError
  • GatewayTimeoutError


Error usage with simple detailed message

import { BadRequestError } from 'json-api-error';

throw new BadRequestError('Request is invalid');

Error usage with options

import { BadRequestError } from 'json-api-error';

throw new BadRequestError({
    id: 'BadRequestError',
    code: 'BadRequestError',
    title: 'BadRequestError',
    detail: 'The #/userName must be number'

Error usage with customized your JsonApiError

import JsonApiError from 'json-api-error';

throw new JsonApiError({
    id: 'RequestEntityTooLargeError',
    status: '413',
    code: 'RequestEntityTooLargeError',
    title: 'RequestEntityTooLargeError',
    detail: 'Request Entity Too Large'

AggregateJsonApiError(errors, status)

import { AggregateJsonApiError } from 'json-api-error';

throw new AggregateJsonApiError([
  new BadRequestError('Something went wrong'),
  new BadRequestError('Request is valid')
], 400);

Express Middleware - JSON API Error Handler usage

json-api-error also ships a Express middleware to handle these JSON API Errors. This middleware will catch JSON API Error and return response for your end-user as the following example format (including the status response):

  errors: [{
    id: 'NotFoundError',
    status: '404',
    code: 'NotFoundError',
    title: 'NotFoundError',
    detail: 'Resource was not found'

To use this, configure your Express app

import { jsonApiErrorHandler } from 'json-api-error/middlewares';


Note: For best practice, please place jsonApiErrorHandler below utilized middlewares.


PropertiesDetailTypeDefault Value
ida unique identifier for this particular occurrence of the problemstringequal to error name
linksa links object, more detailed in hereobjectN/A
statusthe HTTP status code applicable to this problem, expressed as a string valuestringequal to HTTP code
codean application-specific error code, expressed as a string valuestringequal to error name
titlea short, human-readable summary of the problemstringequal to error name
detaila human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problemstringequal to error name
sourcean object containing references to the source of the error, more detailed in hereobjectN/A
metaa meta object containing non-standard meta-information about the error.objectN/A