0.0.1 • Published 6 years ago

json-handler v0.0.1

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6 years ago

JSON Handler - Simple Wrapper for Handling .json Files

const Handler = require('json-handler');

let handler = new Handler(`path-to-json-file`);


dealer.append('foo', 'Yeah');

//foo now shall be 'Yeah'.

dealer.set('foo', 'Nooo');

//foo now shall be 'Nooo'.


//foo now shall be undefined.

What's this

A wrapper to hadle json files. actually just some syntactic sugar. But I love it.

  • constructor/ new
    To create an instance of the Handler. Receive the path to the json file. Will throw exceptions because no catch in the main logic. Note: if an empty file is passed, the constructor will create a null object {} and save to the file for later actions.
  • toString()
    Get the stringfied value of the JSON object.
  • append(key, value)
    Create a key/value pair and append to the object, then save automatically. If the key exists, action aborts.
  • get(key, value)
    Get the value from the provided key.
  • set(key, value)
    Set the value to the key. Will overwrite existing value. Save automatically.
  • remove(key)
    Remove the given key from the object.
  • save()
    Internal function. Don't need to call it, usually.