1.0.3 • Published 3 years ago

json-html-var v1.0.3

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Last release
3 years ago


NPM packages json-html-var package allowing you to push NodeJS variable into your web page. It can use datas from a JSON file or an Javascript object and can be applied to all kinds of files containing a string (html, txt, php, css ...).


Use npm installation through your system console : npm install json-html-var

Examples test

The npm package contain a test script render of the examples usage below. Create a new script test.js in the same folder of your node_modules folder ! then launch it with node test.js :

const JHV = require('json-html-var')
new JHV().test(PORT=8085)

You should see the result on http://localhost:8085

Getting start

First you need to import the module in the script you wish to used

const JHV = require('json-html-var') // you can name it whatever you want

The principe is simple : access a variable from you JSON code as if you are coding in javascript : Example :

// Image your JSON :
var myData = {
	"welcome_message" : "Hello World !"
// When you want to access the key "welcome_message" value, in JS you do :
console.log(myData.welcome_message) // print "Hello World !"

// With json-html-var you do in every type of client script(JS, HTML...) or a string :
<p>$myData.welcome_message</p> // return to client <p><span class="custom_class_with_JHV">Hello World</span></p>

The goal is to "simulate" php variable that you insert into your HTML page, but simple and easier. And this can extend to all string or file that can be converted to string ! Are you ready ? Then let's go !

1/ Using variable

Input js script :

let json = { 'app-name' : 'json-html-var', version : '1.0.2', info : { creator : 'MrSnoobydoo', date : '2021-05-01' }, test : 3*6 }

let code = "This text is build with $app-name on the version $version\n" + "The first build was release the $info.date by $info.creator.\n" + "Test number : $test"

let result = new JHV({ code: code, json: json }) console.log(result.code)

> Output console :

This text is build with json-html-var on the version 1.0.2 The first build was release the 2021-05-01 by MrSnoobydoo. Test number : 18

2/ Using file (no need to use fs node module)

> JSON file : data.json: 
    "app-name" : "Delivery Pizza JHV",
    "version" : "1.0.2",
    "date" : "Sat May 01 2021 13:58:48 GMT+0000",
    "pizza" : {
    	"order-number" : 85,
    	"ratings" : 4.5
> HTML page : index.htm
<!DOCTYPE html>
		<meta charset='utf-8'>
		<p>Welcome to $app-name version $version !</p>
		<p>This page was loaded the $date</p>
		<p>Here is some pizza order stats : </p>
			<li>Order Number : $pizza.order-number</li>
			<li>Ratings by customers : $pizza.ratings</li>
> Input js script :

let result = new JHV({
	file : {
		code : './index.htm',
		json : './data.json'
console.log(result.code) // use result.code to show the html code into your http server

3/ Using both method (file and string/variable)

let json = {
    "app-name" : "Delivery Pizza JHV",
    "version" : "1.0.2",
    "date" : "Sat May 01 2021 13:58:48 GMT+0000",
    "pizza" : {
    	"order-number" : 85,
    	"ratings" : 4.5

let result = new JHV({
	json : json,
	file : {
		code : './index.htm'


4/ Let's put some **custom style** on each variable !
> Script : index.js

// we retake the code of the example 1
let json = {
    'app-name' : 'json-html-var',
    version : '1.0.2',
    info : {
        creator : 'MrSnoobydoo',
        date : '2021-05-01'
    test : 3*6

let code = "This text is build with $app-name on the version $version\n"
		+ "The first build was release the $info.date by $info.creator.\n"
		+ "Test number : $test"

// We apply red bold style to all our variable JHV
let result = new JHV({
	code: code,
	json: json,
	custom : (value)=>{
		return '<span style="color: #4ab4ff;font-weight: bold;">'+value+'</span>'


Another Example : The power of 2 Script : index.js

let json = { "1" : "1", "2" : "2", "3" : "3" }

let code = "2^1 = $1\n" + "2^2 = $2\n" + "2^3 = $3\n"

// We apply red bold style to all our variable JHV let increment = 1; let result = new JHV({ code: code, json: json, custom : (value)=>{ return Math.pow(2, parseInt(value)); } })


> Console Output :
2^1 = 2
2^2 = 4
2^3 = 8
### Contribution
> You can contribute to this project of course :D

### Licence
This projec is under [MIT Licence](https://github.com/electron/electron/blob/master/LICENSE)

### Next features
- using loop to fetch array values with one lines
- executing nodejs inside a file directly
- ...