0.0.2 • Published 10 years ago

json-response v0.0.2

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Last release
10 years ago


API-ish JSON response for express using basic fields (status, data, message). DRY.

The response HTTP status code will ALWAYS be 200; The status on the JSON object will be the corresponding status code.

The JSON response looks like this:

    "status": 200,
    "data": {
        "foo": "bar"
    "message": "hello world"


npm install --save json-response


This module should only be required once, as soon as possible to the start of your application. It will extend Node's http.ServerResponse.prototype with HTTP status functions by code and name (see below).

var express = require('express');
var app = express();


app.get('/', function(req, res){
  res.ok({foo: 'bar'}, 'hello world');


If you prefer to send your own responses (most likely using res.send or res.json) you can always use res.response to create a consistent response object.

var express = require('express');
var app = express();


app.get('/', function(req, res){
  res.send(res.response(200, {foo: 'bar'}, 'hello world'));


Available Methods

res.response(status, data, message);

Returns an object to be sent later to the client using res.send or similar.

res.response(200, {foo:'bar'}, 'hello world');

Note: All the bellow methods can be used by either name or code; all of them call automatically res.send. If you need to add custom headers or any other response you can do so as usual before calling them.

res.ok(data, message)

res.oK({foo:'bar'}, 'message');

// or

res[200](data, message)

res.created(data, message)

res.created({foo:'bar'}, 'message');

// or

res[201](data, message)

res.accepted(data, message)

res.accepted({foo:'bar'}, 'message');

// or

res[202](data, message)

res.nonAuthoritativeInformation(data, message)

res.nonAuthoritativeInformation({foo:'bar'}, 'message');

// or

res[203](data, message)

res.noContent(data, message)

res.noContent({foo:'bar'}, 'message');

// or

res[204](data, message)

res.resetContent(data, message)

res.resetContent({foo:'bar'}, 'message');

// or

res[205](data, message)

res.partialContent(data, message)

res.partialContent({foo:'bar'}, 'message');

// or

res[206](data, message)

res.badRequest(data, message)

res.badRequest({foo:'bar'}, 'message');

// or

res[400](data, message)

res.unauthorized(data, message)

res.unauthorized({foo:'bar'}, 'message');

// or

res[401](data, message)

res.paymentRequired(data, message)

res.paymentRequired({foo:'bar'}, 'message');

// or

res[402](data, message)

res.forbidden(data, message)

res.forbidden({foo:'bar'}, 'message');

// or

res[403](data, message)

res.notFound(data, message)

res.notFound({foo:'bar'}, 'message');

// or

res[404](data, message)

res.methodNotAllowed(data, message)

res.methodNotAllowed({foo:'bar'}, 'message');

// or

res[405](data, message)

res.notAcceptable(data, message)

res.notAcceptable({foo:'bar'}, 'message');

// or

res[406](data, message)

res.proxyAuthenticationRequired(data, message)

res.proxyAuthenticationRequired({foo:'bar'}, 'message');

// or

res[407](data, message)

res.requestTimeout(data, message)

res.requestTimeout({foo:'bar'}, 'message');

// or

res[408](data, message)

res.conflict(data, message)

res.conflict({foo:'bar'}, 'message');

// or

res[409](data, message)

res.gone(data, message)

res.gone({foo:'bar'}, 'message');

// or

res[410](data, message)

res.lengthRequired(data, message)

res.lengthRequired({foo:'bar'}, 'message');

// or

res[411](data, message)

res.preconditionFailed(data, message)

res.preconditionFailed({foo:'bar'}, 'message');

// or

res[412](data, message)

res.requestEntityTooLarge(data, message)

res.requestEntityTooLarge({foo:'bar'}, 'message');

// or

res[413](data, message)

res.requestURITooLong(data, message)

res.requestURITooLong({foo:'bar'}, 'message');

// or

res[414](data, message)

res.unsupportedMediaType(data, message)

res.unsupportedMediaType({foo:'bar'}, 'message');

// or

res[415](data, message)

res.requestedRangeNotSatisfiable(data, message)

res.requestedRangeNotSatisfiable({foo:'bar'}, 'message');

// or

res[416](data, message)

res.expectationFailed(data, message)

res.expectationFailed({foo:'bar'}, 'message');

// or

res[417](data, message)

res.internalServerError(data, message)

res.internalServerError({foo:'bar'}, 'message');

// or

res[500](data, message)

res.notImplemented(data, message)

res.notImplemented({foo:'bar'}, 'message');

// or

res[501](data, message)

res.badGateway(data, message)

res.badGateway({foo:'bar'}, 'message');

// or

res[502](data, message)

res.serviceUnavailable(data, message)

res.serviceUnavailable({foo:'bar'}, 'message');

// or

res[503](data, message)

res.gatewayTimeout(data, message)

res.gatewayTimeout({foo:'bar'}, 'message');

// or

res[504](data, message)

res.httpVersionNotSupported(data, message)

res.httpVersionNotSupported({foo:'bar'}, 'message');

// or

res[505]({foo:'bar'}, 'message');

To Do

  • Add test cases
