jsonproxy v1.0.1
takes an http stream of json objects and resends them one by one to one or more destinations
npm install -g jsonproxy
jsonproxy --port=8080 --targets."http://localhost:7171"=10 --targets."http://localhost:7272"=10
use programmatically
install locally:
npm install --save jsonproxy
expose using an http server:
var http = require('http')
var jsonProxy = require('jsonproxy');
// will clone the default config
var config = jsonProxy.config();
// override just what we want
config.targets['http://localhost:7171'] = 10;
config.targets['http://localhost:7272'] = 10;
var proxyServer = new jsonProxy.Server(config)
var httpServer = http.createServer(function(request, response) {
proxyServer.accept(request, function(err) {
if (err) {
response.statusCode = 500
httpServer.listen(8282, function () {
console.log('proxy ready at http://localhost:%s', 8282)
create a file called .json-proxyrc in any of the locations specified here: RC module
"port": 8181,
"targets": {
"http://localhost/": 10
"backoffAlgorithm": {
"maxRetries": 10,
"timeSlot": 1000
file must pass json validation, such as jsonlint.com
the port used by the proxy to listen to incoming requests
you can specify one or more targets here in the form of "url": "concurrency level". The proxy will try its best to send requests based on the concurrency level specified for each url. If the maximum concurrency level is reached for all urls the proxy will transmit backpressure to the incoming stream (hopefully :) )
In the event that an outgoing json request fails the proxy will attempt retries using an exponential backoff algorithm. Use maxRetries and timeSlot to control the algorithm behaviour. timeSlot is the basic unit which is used to calculate delays between attempts, it is not the exact delay used.
Take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt. Run grunt watch while developing.
Release History
5.1.2014 - initial release 10.4.2015 - code refresh and publish to npm
Copyright (c) 2014 ironSource. Licensed under the MIT license.
10 years ago