0.0.11 • Published 2 years ago

jtfell-svelte-scrollyteller v0.0.11

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2 years ago

Svelte Scrollyteller

A scrollyteller component for Svelte. Svelte port of the ABC News React Scrollyteller.


The scrollyteller takes a series of panels of content nodes and turns them into a series of elements which scroll over the <Scrollyteller> component's children.

The panels prop is in the format of:

    data: {
      info: 'Some kind of config that is given when this marker is active'
    nodes: [<DOM elements for this panel>]
    data: {
      thing: 'This will be given when the second marker is hit'
    nodes: [<DOM elements for this panel>]

When a new box comes into view onMarker will be called with the data of the incoming panel.

<script lang="ts">
  import Scrollyteller from 'svelte-scrollyteller/Scrollyteller.svelte';
  import UpdatableGraphic from 'UpdatableGraphic.svelte'

  export let panels;

  let marker = 0;
  let progress;

  const markerChangeHandler = (data) => {
    marker = data;

  const progressChangeHandler = (data) => {
    progress = data;

  <UpdatableGraphic marker={marker} />

For a more complete example using Typescript see the examples.


panelsRefer to Usagerequired Array of nodes and data which dictate the markers
onMarker(marker) => voidrequired Function which fires when a marker intersects and returns that markers data
onProgress(progress) => voidFunction which fires when a on scroll and returns the scrollyteller progress
customPanelSvelte ComponentComponent to replace the default panel componentPanel.svelte
observerOptionsIntersectionObserverInitOptions for the intersection observer. Refer to the docs{threshold: 0.5}

Usage with Odyssey

When developing ABC News stories with Odyssey you can use the loadScrollyteller function to gather panels within a CoreMedia article.

See a more complete usage example with Odyssey.

CoreMedia text:

This is the opening paragraph panel
This is a second panel
This is another paragraph

JS Code:

import { loadScrollyteller } from 'svelte-scrollyteller/utils';
import App from 'App.svelte';

const scrollyData = loadScrollyteller(
  "",       // If set to eg. "one" use #scrollytellerNAMEone in CoreMedia
  "u-full", // Class to apply to mount point u-full makes it full width in Odyssey
  "mark"    // Name of marker in CoreMedia eg. for "point" use #point default: #mark

new App({
  target: scrollyData.mountNode,
  props: { panels: scrollyData.panels }


Mostly to aid development and demonstrate usage, there is an example project in /examples. It uses aunty as the build tool to match the usual ABC News interactive development work flow.


2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago