0.0.3 • Published 11 years ago
jug v0.0.3
Graph engine prototype.
npm install jug
Init the graph
var wire = jug.init();
Init the graph with data
var wire = jug.init({
interest: {
cloth: 't-shirt',
color: 'red',
size: 'medium'
Seed node
Seed node with data
info: {
cloth: 't-shirt',
color: 'red',
size: 'medium'
Access node
wire.edge( 0 );
Get distance between nodes
// first argument is 'from' object
// second argument is 'to' object
wire.proximity('interest', 'info');
Find a node
wire.find( 'info', { color: 'red' } );
Verify the level
wire.edge( 0 ).level();
Verify if the current node is the root
var Jug = require('jug');
var util = require('util');
var root = Jug.init();
interest: {
genre: 'Action',
year: 2014,
stars: [ 'Eva Green', 'Duck Dogers' ]
root.edge( 0 ).data({
info: {
name: '300: Rise of an Empire',
genre: 'Action',
stars: [ 'Eva Green', 'Duck Dogers' ],
year: 2014
root.edge( 1 ).data({
info: {
name: 'Man of Steel',
genre: 'Action',
stars: [ 'Henry Cavill' ],
year: 2013
var distance = root.proximity('interest', 'info');
var close = distance.indexOf( 0 );
var nodeData = root.edge( close ).data();
'distance: %s\ndata: %s',
distance.join(', '),
util.inspect( nodeData['info'] )
To contribute with anithing
First of all:
git clone https://github.com/kaiquewdev/Graph
enter in the Graph
directory and run:
sudo npm install
after all dependencies was solved, install the mocha
sudo npm install -g mocha
and test:
mocha -u tdd lib/index.test.js
Yeah, read the code and contribute with ideas or coding.